Mystery Island: A Suggestion


Óhana — Representative
Nov 21, 2013
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I would like a change in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

When it comes to finding a new villager, on Mystery Island, I think Nook Miles Tickets should no longer be necessary.

New Horizons knows when an island has have a vacancy. We should be able to go to Mystery Island free of charge—no matter how many times—and find and invite a villager to move onto one’s island.

The only charge for Mystery Island, with using Nook Miles Tickets, should be when one’s island is full. Motivation to go to Mystery Island would be to get resources such as bamboo, sister fruit, coconuts, and other items like weeds.

The way so many play Animal Crossing: New Horizons has reached a point—quite some time ago—in which one can have amiibo cards but prefer the challenge of possibly encountering a villager for whom one would invite to move onto one’s island. It is a thrill for game-players. I don’t think the game developers anticipated this. It is quite a surprise. And I would like this change. I think others would as well.
To be honest the one change I want is when you're talking to Wilbur there should be an option that says "Use another Nook Miles Ticket" because I really cannot stand Orville when I have to talk to him over 500 times just to get to another island. Also that feature when you go to Harvs island to do Liquation and Delivery when you talk to Wilbur should've just been when you're at Nook Mile islands. Why they did that I have no idea.

There needs to be more variety in Mystery islands. I have some ideas like I would like to see an island where you can see all the rare bugs and fish that hard to get. I know they exist but most times its when you to catch specific bugs and fish like say Tarantulas or White Sharks for example.

As far as looking for villagers, I'm already at the point where I've seen all the villagers and I know what they look like so I just feel like I don't feel the need to keep doing this everytime. I have amiibo cards so I would rather just use them rather than wasting like 300 nook mile tickets to look for that one villager that is hard to find. I will say they need to improve on that because its annoying encountering the same villager you've seen over and over again.

The Airport itself could've had more done to it. When you really think about it the only areas to go are Nook Mile Islands and Harvs island. Why can't we just go to different NPC islands? Since I've been visiting so many people's islands throughout the year I sometimes wonder if they would taken more time to make different areas that you can go by yourself and it will give you a reason to use the airport more often. I guess what I'm saying is that they really show expand the airport to let us go different places and not just visiting other people's islands all the time.
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I believe if there is any update to do witn the islands, the dialogue needs to be seriously shortend as for someone who is a experienced player and a frequent player it gets on my nerves as im no longer even bothering to look as i wait pressing b for the text to go so i can select a island to spend ky nookmile ticket on.

in New Leaf bells were payment to get to tortimer island and not a made up ticket system, maybe that could come back and repalce nookmiles so it could be easier to travel to 10 plus different islands just to find the right animal to ask to move in.
To be honest the one change I want is when you're talking to Wilbur there should be an option that says "Use another Nook Miles Ticket" because I really cannot stand Orville when I have to talk to him over 500 times just to get to another island. Also that feature when you go to Harvs island to do Liquation and Delivery when you talk to Wilbur should've just been when you're at Nook Mile islands. Why they did that I have no idea.

THIS. i absolutely love island hopping, but having to go through the same dialogue with wilbur and orville over and over again is annoying as heck. being able to go directly from one mystery island to another would be amazing.

also, i don’t mind nmts at all, but i wouldn’t be opposed to no longer needing them — it would certainly save me quite a lot of storage space lol.
I agree with this because it's insanely obnoxious to fill slots without inviting from Mystery Islands if you aren't an active online player. The last few times I've had villagers move away and I didn't find someone with my NMTs, I had to wait a week each time for the plot to fill. Also +1 to shortening the airport dialogue.
I really don’t mind using NMT’s. It’s really the only thing I buy with NM’s. I really would like them to give the option of going back home or to another island. It’s a pain having to go back home first.
Fingers crossed that NMTs become a little more relevant with the update. The mystery islands definitely need a once-over to make them a little more fresh and exciting for veteran players.

As for the Dodo brothers, their dialogue needs much improvement. If they could only flow it a bit better and reduce the number of prompts, it would be a little less painful.
Or if they could just add a skip dialog. And yes to the being able to island hop without going back to our island. What a hassle. Urgh
I agree with what others have said, the dialogue really needs shortening and been able to fly to a new island without returning home first should be an option. It takes so long going through all the dialogue each time and becomes a really drag when you’re island hopping for villagers which is a shame as overall I do enjoy island hopping.

I don’t really mind using NMTs on island hopping as it’s generally the only thing I use them for but it can be a pain when I go through a load of them and don’t come across any villagers that I really want. Actually purchasing each NMT individually is a drag though so I wish we could just bulk buy them and save a lot of time.