N3DS NA bundle buyers, Do we get a theme?


Senior Member
Aug 1, 2013
Winter Mittens
Yellow Candy
Pumpkin Cupcake
August Birthstone (Peridot)
So nintendo states right in the e shop that the players who buy the digital copy of the game will get a free Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer theme. I can't find a way to download it.

If I can't resolve the issue or if it turns out we don't get one, I'm going to be contacting Nintendo tomorrow and talking to them about it. Technically we did buy a digital copy of the game.
The theme was really there to compensate for the lack of an amiibo card. The bundle RECEIVED the card, therefore we did not get the theme.

The "digital copy" is the version of the game purchased on the eShop; that's all there is to it, and any other interpretation could be misleading.
Yeah, it's not included and I don't think it's meant to be for the reasons BellGreen already stated. It's there to make up for the lack of a card.