Bird Guy
Hi all! I'm making a zine. A colabby one. The focus is on the green stripe of the pride flag, nature in all its forms, though it's open to anyone. There's no real limit to what I'm looking for, if you want to do a comic/some art/writing/poetry etc, it's all good! Just as long as it features the colour green, and is related to nature in some way.
Submissions will be open from today, 8th Feb, to 11 March and I'm setting the due date to June 15, though there will be some wiggle room. I am going into this intending to pay everyone for their work, and send everyone a physical copy. There's a bunch more information written out here,
including what the plan is, and the kind of content I'm looking/not looking for.
If you're interested in applying, here's a link to the google form.
Thanks so much for reading, I'll do my best to make this awesome. c: