Need Active Friends on AC: NL


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2012
0% (0) +
Hey guys!

I need some of you awesome people to come visit/ let me in the gate!

My friend code is 4398-9604-4428.

Add me!!!
Im on everyday as well. I will add both of you. Any of you guys have ornate clothes you would want to sell for big bells?
Hey can I exchange add's too?

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I added all of you, if you guys wanna add me too that'd be coolsy
When you said 'active', you've really caught my attention. I play everyday, and I'm ready for online activity at 8am and 5pm NZST.

If you want to add me, my friend code's on the sidebar to the left.
im on everyday, but sometimes my animals cuss or say immature things :rolleyes: lol so if you dont mind that and my game of thrones references...then add away ;)
Hey, I added everybody on here. I am an active, over 21 year old player. I am more about collecting items and helping people collect sets or fix up their homes than making money. Add me if you want!
I'm 21 and I play pretty much every day. My town isn't too fancy, but I really want to visit other people's towns! :)
I'm on daily and play for 2-3+ hours a day but I usually play late at night. What time of day do you normally get online?