Need critiques and pricing suggestion :)


need to snack 24/7
Dec 27, 2014
Spring Shamrock
Heya! So I got this project where I need to gather fund for my alma mater's annual event sort of things. And I decided to make a simple notebook.

This is the notebook design. *It might looks crappy and such since I'm not so good at this kind of thing, but I really want to contribute for the event event just a little, so I'm trying.. ;D


Open for suggestion in design, colors, or whatever so I can make it better. And also the appropriate price for this sht lol. It's a standard notebook, 15x21 centimeters, 80 pages of regular lined notebook paper.

Thank you so much for the helps, the artistic side of tbt! :)
Heya! So I got this project where I need to gather fund for my alma mater's annual event sort of things. And I decided to make a simple notebook.

This is the notebook design. *It might looks crappy and such since I'm not so good at this kind of thing, but I really want to contribute for the event event just a little, so I'm trying.. ;D

Open for suggestion in design, colors, or whatever so I can make it better. And also the appropriate price for this sht lol. It's a standard notebook, 15x21 centimeters, 80 pages of regular lined notebook paper.

Thank you so much for the helps, the artistic side of tbt! :)
I love the design and the colours you chose ... Funny, happy little custard cake! ... Nummy colours :rolleyes:
It's really hard to try and price things like that, but other coiled notebooks similar size seem to sell anywhere from $6 to $24
Not sure if that's helpful, but hope you are successful with the fund efforts! ❤️
I love the design and the colours you chose ... Funny, happy little custard cake! ... Nummy colours :rolleyes:
It's really hard to try and price things like that, but other coiled notebooks similar size seem to sell anywhere from $6 to $24
Not sure if that's helpful, but hope you are successful with the fund efforts! ❤️

Thanks for the input, Pen!! It gives me insight! :D