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Need serious help in villager ousting


Wounded Orb
Sep 15, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
Winter Mittens
October Birthstone (Opal)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
I have promised a member here that I would give her Julian and Apple from my village. I've seen a lot of threads about trading in the Market area, but I really need a "moron's guide to giving away a villager" to make sure I do this right.

What is my first step? I heard of a two day TT thing to talk. But does that mean I TT ahead 2 days and talk to the first villager, or talk to everyone else to see if he is moving?

I really would appreciate any help here. I want to make this person's dreams come true but I am a total noob at this.
If I want someone to move, and I want to TT, I usually wait for someone to ping me. If it isn't the villager I want to move, then I tell them no. After that, I move forward two days and then move two days back to the present time. So far, someone has always asked to move away doing that.
Thank you both! I'm scared half to death, but after I do my daily stuff and clean up my town from last night I'll *gulp* begin the process from that guide. It looks to be exactly what I need. I just hope I don't misinterpret any of it. I'll read the entire thread first and then begin. *crosses fingers* Thank you!
Wait...this guide is great, but it doesn't tell me clearly (at least not as I read it and the rest of the thread) if by "checking everybody" that means I talk to everybody or not. I see people refer to the potential "movees" as "pinging" you, but can't you find out by talking to everybody and somebody spills the beans? I know I have had villagers tell me about others in the past. I'm sorry, but I'm still a tad confused. Help???
Checking everybody means walking in front of every single villager while they are outside and see if they ping. Sometimes another villager will ping you and say other stuff. In that case you won't get a ping even from the mover for a while and you should do other stuff instead of continuing to check for pings. "Checking for movers" also includes talking to two or three of your villagers until they get bored and don't talk to you anymore. If none of them mention that someone is moving, it is highly probable that nobody is moving. However, it is not impossible (it would just be extremely unlucky).
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Ah...thanks! I'm glad you saw this. I hope that wasn't too silly of a question, but I had to be sure. I really really don't want to mess this up. :)
Yup, try to talk to as many villagers as you can. I tend to TT day by day, and spam talk at least 3 villagers each day (until they refuse to chat further). Since it takes 5 days for a villager to leave from when they first decide to, someone is bound to tell u a rumour, as long as you have enough conversations c:

Different people have different methods but this has worked for me so far.
It's not a silly question. :) The guide kind of assumes that people have read the "bad" TT guides and that they know "the basics" that still apply. I'll add this to the guide.

Oh, actually the guide did have this:
(talk to several villagers until they get bored in case they mention someone moving and walk in front of everyone you want to keep for a sec to see if they ping you for moving)
but now it should be even more clear!
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Cool! So spamming I am going... :D

We cross-posted. Crud...I am so nervous I missed that part Flyffel. Sorry. But thank you for the clarification.

If I screw this up for her, I may have to go into the Bell Tree Forums Void...
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Um...all right...I have to ask - how long does this usually take? I've been being careful and am currently 2 days ahead now. I've been at this nearly all day (lucky me to have nothing else I have to do!) and am making no progress. On my current day, (today) before I began the "villager ousting project" Coach wanted to move and I stopped him. But since then...nothing. And I've had a hard time locating some of my villagers who aren't home.
Do you pros usually get this done quickly or is the lengthy time the norm? And when I DO finally find out when Apple and Julian will move, then what? Let the other person know to skip to that particular date? Do they wait for it to naturally happen? And when it's all over, can I go back to the current date, or am I committed to the future?
*sigh* I know that's a lot, but I hope you all can help me and maybe even somebody else who may not know.

- - - Post Merge - - -

OMG!!!!! Julian just said he's leaving on the 8th!!!

I just said okay and he said it's been good being my neighbor.

WHAT DO I DO NOW??? Please help!
Once you know the person who is picking him up is ready, you can TT to the 8th. Julian will be in boxes that day and your friend can visit you and convince Julian to move to theirs.

Once that's done, you can TT back to the present in one swoop. TT-ing backwards only always count as one day, so you won't lose anyone.
THANK YOU! I just messaged her. I hope she's on. I'll be ready. So, we can both go to the 8th. So, he won't leave on Midnight of the 7th/8th, then? Whew! I don't want her to miss out on him. :) And I am so grateful for your help! I'll just fish for awhile and wait for her. I suppose the worst that can happen is she isn't on, I'll save and just make sure to not talk to him until I hear back from her.

Crud...she's not on. I just checked the bottom of the header page to this forum. Well, I may just have to save and not move backward or forwards on the clock and just let the game run naturally.

Again, thank you for your quick response. I think I can stop panicking now. :)
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Well if you don't TT for now, you should have a few days before it becomes the 8th? Your friend doesn't need to TT, she can just collect Julian whenever he's in boxes at yours c:

- - - Post Merge - - -

I should add that if you TT backwards between now and his leaving date, his leaving date will change. Villagers usually move in 5 days, and if you TT backwards, the game recognises that as a day gone, and therefore his moving date will change. Am I making sense?
You are making perfect sense. I just won't TT. As I understand it, I -
do not TT
she can visit my town without worrying about setting her DS
she can then persuade Julian to move to her town
I can TT back to the present and no longer sweat profusely
Haha yes that's the way to do it :D I was extremely nervous during my first TT too so you've done well :)
Good luck!
(((HUG))) Thank you! *whew!* It is nerve-wracking, isn't it? But I think I'll be fine now. If I need further help I know where to come. I love this place. <3
LOL! You make it sound so easy. It probably is, but the guide was very specific in saying one day at a time or you could lose a villager you wanted to keep. I think that if I can give several people their dreamies and I'm not attached to a villager at the time I'll do that. It certainly would be far less sweat-inducing and near panic-attackish as this time was.
Well...is, really. I haven't yet heard back from the member yet. I'm not even shutting down my game. I'm keeping it on and powered with an adapter so as to give this every chance in the world of going smoothly. Heh...I'm not nervous much, as I? ;)