need to make new town!!


Junior Member
Apr 4, 2020
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hello(i have another account on here but i dont remember my username or anything at all press f)

a few months ago i was in an accident and was in the hospital for a while(and i also got sick while in the hospital) and ive been back home for a while now. my data on my game was lost however(again, i had to get a new sd card. hopefully thatll sort it out) and ive lost everything. my infinite fruit(they were a basket of infinite perfect apples and a basket of infinite perfect oranges) and i lost my princess set and mermaid set.

i know a lot is going on with the pandemic and i hope each and every single one of you is safe and doing well.

but is there a kind soul that would give me a basket of perfect infinite apples and a basket of perfect infinite oranges? and get the mermaid set and the princess set for me? thank you so much

i will update my profile with my friend code!
Sorry to hear what happened, I hope you're doing better now!
I can get you princess and mermaid and whatever else you may need (bells, furniture...), but my town fruit is peach. I don't know however how you're supposed to make them infinite. The most I can do is give you a basket of nine perfect peaches if you're interested :)