neighbors moving in/out


Retired Staff
Dec 2, 2008
Orange (Fruit)
How many neighbors can you have in your town and is there any way to get a new neighbor in your town, or get one to move out?
This might happen.
Go to Town Hall, Talk to Pelly, Click Problems, Neighbours, Choose Neighbour something like that :)
Ok, I'll do that. I'm trying to get rid of Amelia, I really can't stand her.
Now is there anyway to get new neighbors to move in?? Is there a limit?
i always had the impression that the more perfect your town is and the more your museum was filled up, the more people would move in your town. i think i remember nook or lyle telling me something like that in one of the older versions of the game. i could be hallucinating, though.
You can have up to 10, no more. If you want to get someone out, hit them with a net, complain about them, make holes around there homes, set pitfalls, ignore them if they want to talk to you, and if they plan to move, don't stop them. Do not write to them. Do not talk to them.
Naruto-ACWiiAdict said:
To get rid of a neighbour you must be mean to them non stop thats what my Brother Did to Aurora when She came, he Hates Her!
Are you kidding!? She's my FAVORITE!
You can't have any more than ten neighbors from what I've heard. You can Time Travel a ton into the future, however, you will have no control as to who moves in or out.