• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Cycling <<Neptune>> - [Nan moving 5th Nov]


Oh! I actually have room for him right now! I'm about to head to work though. I'll be available today from about 4:30 CST.

JK JK. I completely forgot i switched shifts and i don't actually go in for another couple hours. If you're available I'd love to pick up Kid Cat.

I'll be at work until 9pm CST, but i'm still interested in getting Kid Cat whenever i get home.

LOL Joycekm I'm about to PM you. I'm sorry its taken so long to get back to you. Our time zones don't really line up at all I think... during the week, I can play/trade usually between... 2:30am - 7:30am CST...
The good news is I'm HAPPY to hold Kid Cat for you until the weekend!

I know its a short notice but if i could pick up tank today that would actually be amazing!! I drive back to university tonight and wifi there is extremely limited so it would be really hard to find a connection to trade :/ ill pm you too in case you'll see that faster! but if its a stretch to adopt him today no biggie
Hi Kennedycrossing, I'm so sorry to have missed your window (damn full time employment and adult responsibilities!) Again, I'm happy to hold Tank for you until the weekend if that helps. Let me know!

Ahhh! May I reserve Beau for 3 days? :)
Also, is 60 tbt fine when it comes to adopting him?
Hi MochiACNL, you're in luck! Beau has decided he wants to move out in 3 game days which is perfect! I'm also happy to time travel if you decide you'd like him early. He's reserved for you now :)

Hey serenabytheresa!

Is Kid Cat still available? He is one of my dreamies and I'd love to have him :)
I can offer you all my TBT in exchange, or 2 Million In Game Bells.
Hey Rory! Kid Cat's been reserved by Joicekm atm until the weekend. Can I put you down as second reserve? If things with Joicekm fall through you'll be the first to know! :)

Hello, could I get beau, possibly?
Ahhhhh!! MochiACNL beat you to it :( I'll put you down as second reserve if things don't work out with them :)

can i reserve octavian?
Reserve Hazel please! (when should I sent the tbt to?)
Reserving Annalise! Is it ok?
To Grumpig, GirlPolarBear and salmonflavored- yes no problems at all! Can you please check my original post again for some revised terms and conditions? I've had to change somethings around (but it's good for you! :D)

I no longer need Lobo~
Please remove my lurk for Francine. I found her^^
May I lurk for Muffy? :D
Hi! Could I lurk around for Joey and Carmen (the Rabbit) please?
i would like to lurk for marshal pls♥
No problems to all! Lurk list updated :D
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I actually already wake up at 7 or 8am depending on the day, and I'm happy to wake up a bit earlier to make things work. Hopefully we'll catch either other online before too long. Thanks for doing all this btw! You're juggling a bunch of different people all asking different things from you and you're being extremely kind and responding to everybody. So thanks for doing that. :)
ahhh! thank you so much :) sent the 5 tbt

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'll let you know when ready if that's okay ^^
Thank you, if it does work out its fine by me!
Thanks for understanding!

I actually already wake up at 7 or 8am depending on the day, and I'm happy to wake up a bit earlier to make things work. Hopefully we'll catch either other online before too long. Thanks for doing all this btw! You're juggling a bunch of different people all asking different things from you and you're being extremely kind and responding to everybody. So thanks for doing that. :)
Oh! Okay, let's discuss via PM :) And awww thank you!!! I'm just so terrified of missing something, so acknowledging everything is the best way to make sure I don't overlook anyone :3

Hi! May I lurk for Fauna and Agent S? Thank you~
Yes! Updated my lurk list :D

ahhh! thank you so much :) sent the 5 tbt. I'll let you know when ready if that's okay ^^
Thanks for the tbt!!! And yes, no problems :) Ttys!
Thanks for understanding!

Oh! Okay, let's discuss via PM :) And awww thank you!!! I'm just so terrified of missing something, so acknowledging everything is the best way to make sure I don't overlook anyone :3

Yes! Updated my lurk list :D

Thanks for the tbt!!! And yes, no problems :) Ttys!
I'm just lurking for Francine and Olivia
Hiya, could I remove my lurks for both Chief and Bones, and lurk for Beau?
Hey hey, no problems at all!!! Umm I have Beau at the moment but he's already been reserved by two people - you'd be 3rd reserve, is that okay?

Hi c:
Can I lurk for Poncho, Tom, Phil, Portia and Bones please?
All good ^^

- - - Post Merge - - -

I'm just lurking for Francine and Olivia

Oops! I missed your message!
No problems, I've updated my list :)
It's fine, I'm the second reserve :) I just thought I would add the lurk incase I didn't manage to get him :)