New DLC on Jan. 1st

JOM already posted somethign like this....
The Japan DLC is giving out Pikmin hats....which most of us already have.
bdubs2594 said:
#gsw1996 said:
I am glad to see that you made a post with the least bit of meaning <_<
Can you at least try and say something more than just one word?
I think #gsw1996 pretty much summed it up with one word. It is stupid. I think that is all that needs to be said.
Well, we'll prolly get em. Eventually.
Still, one piece of furni, is one more piece of furni added to the game at the end of the day, right?
It's a spinning top. I would guess that Japanese people celebrate New Years by spinning them or something? I don,t know, I still want one.
its one of those tops! oh those are so much fun in rl lawl