New Here

Rooney is the best

Junior Member
Jun 11, 2015
Hi everyone,
I am fairly new to everything, got the game on a whim since I played the gamecube one, and wow is it different/better. I hope to meet people I can play with, since none of my friends play animal crossing. I also am looking for oranges and peaches (the fruit) to have all of the fruits. :)
Yeah so much is different from the Gamecube Animal Crossing. I went from Wild World, to New Leaf, then GCN, and holy wow the GCN was so different it blew me away.
0259-0702-3425 my DS name is Tabby, Town name is Vilemyr. I just bought a "NEW" 3ds & my AN:NL game was downloaded on it. So my 2 in a half year old file is gone. So I'm starting a new. I have all the foreign fruit