Hi, everyone! I'm Dreamer (AC name), I'm 16, and from the U.S.
I'm new to the forum, but not AC. The only game I currently I own is Wild World (but I've played CF), which I've had for 6 or so years now. I'm hoping to get a 3DS for Christmas/b-day so I can get New Leaf as soon as it's released! I've never been so excited for a video game. I was hoping by joining the forum I could meet new friends to play WW with, but my DS isn't letting me connect to my new wifi. ...but I'm really looking forward to chatting and meeting fellow AC fans! This looks like a great community.
Merry Christmas!
I'm new to the forum, but not AC. The only game I currently I own is Wild World (but I've played CF), which I've had for 6 or so years now. I'm hoping to get a 3DS for Christmas/b-day so I can get New Leaf as soon as it's released! I've never been so excited for a video game. I was hoping by joining the forum I could meet new friends to play WW with, but my DS isn't letting me connect to my new wifi. ...but I'm really looking forward to chatting and meeting fellow AC fans! This looks like a great community.
Merry Christmas!