New Horizons furniture you’d miss


Local Eurovision Fan DA-3870-3754-4899
May 6, 2016
Matryoshka Doll
We’ve seen a lot of threads about New Leaf furniture people are missing but I wanted to do the opposite. What would you miss if you went back? Personally I like my new house more than any house I had before

Please don’t post just to say ‘nothing’ or how much you dislike the new furniture. I just want to see what people like.

For me personally:
- shell set, I love it. It’s beautiful both inside and out and I love the variations
- rattan, the colour variations are so much better than the ones we got for cabana! I adore white rattan
- mermaid, I found the new leaf version way too bright despite loving the theming, the new horizons version is gorgeous
- new fishing tourney and pirate items, man I love nautical furniture and these are so much prettier than what we had before imo. the helm, the anchor statue, the fish prints and doorplates and stuff, aaaa

ok fine I just love nautical aesthetic and this game provides absolutely everything to make the perfect beach house, ok sue me 😂😂😂

Some non beach-y things I’d totally miss:
- full sized paintings aaaa, I’ve been dreaming to hang full sized paintings on the wall since wild world!!!
- imperial, I love the variations (I never knew I needed this set in such a classy brown colour) and the decorative shelf is stunning
- the cherry blossom set!!! It’s one of the most beautiful things ever in an animal crossing game, the matching wallpaper is a favourite of mine too
- animated walls and floors!!!! The wallpaper, flooring and rug selection is amazing
- ironwood, it’s about time we get kitchen furniture that we can customise the wood colour of!!! For new leaf our kitchen options were: white and pink (regular and lovely)
Now we have wood, and the old new leaf appliances have colour variations!
this probably doesn't strictly count as furniture but I'd miss being able to customise things! I know this mostly applies to the craftable stuff (like the ironwood set - gorgeous) but sometimes I just want a different wood colour than the one available! you brought up a lot of the stuff I would probably say - animated walls, cherry blossom set, imperial set! there are probably also individual items that have been added in since NL that I couldn't imagine going without but my memory is for sure not good enough for me to confidently say something that is definitely new to NH aha.
I would also say I like my current house more than any other I'd designed in the past, but that might be because I always designed my previous houses at a hotel while my one now is an actual home.
I'll definitely miss all the mom items, the crescent moon chair, the gnomes, the arches, the dynamic wallpapers and floorings, the bug models, the pirate items, the bug off items like artisanal bug cage and the cockroach and centipede toy, the spider web, etc, the tiny library, the turkey set, the spooky set, all the seasonal crafting recipes... omg so many D: But I seriously love so much of it!
Oh, what an excellent idea for a thread!!!!! I'd miss the customization of almost everything, because I think it allows me to use the same pieces in nearby areas without looking like I'm repeating ideas and setups. Item specific, I'd miss the kid's tents because I think you can do such cute things with them!!! I'd also really miss the Spooky set in NH, as well as the pumpkins. I'm a fall gal, and I love the hay bales and the pumpkin faces and the archway and the whatnot. I'd also miss the Turkey Day set, because I think it's just beautiful furniture! I was gonna say all the holiday furniture is classier this time around, but I blocked Egg Dat outta my mind
Completely agree on the animated flooring/wallpaper, bug and fish models, and paintings. It’s nice to see variation - both indoors and outdoors! Other pieces I’d miss:

- Bamboo and cherry blossom items (specifically, the noodle slide, basket, partition, and cherry blossom viewing lantern)

- Clay pieces (furnace, kit, pot, and pitcher)

- Antique set

- Iron pieces (closet, fence, bench, chair, table, shelf)

- Log items (stakes, bench, sofa, stool)
Most probably the ironwood set.

It's one of the most coveted sets during the early days of the game. I remember myself desperately wanting the whole thing and hoping that I get the recipes as soon as possible.

And the fences of course, especially the hedge.
What a lovely threat, well let see, i think i would absolutely miss:

- The customization of furniture
- The halloween set ( absolutely love it )
-The Iron set ( cause im loving my kitchen 😂 )
-The antique set
-Dynamic wallpaper/floors from Sahara
- Natural sets like log and like the stone one i use it a lot to put it between my fences and then place a bug
- BUG models ( i love them, not the gigantic ones since i have not been able to place them nowhere thus far )
- Mum items
- Celeste items ( i mean the Scorpio lamp, the Capricorn statue, the moon etc ) just gorgeous
- Cherry blossom items ( absolutely love all the little plant additions too like the cherry tree :) )

Probably more thingies but i dont want to make too long of a list 😅 i leave it at a list of 10
There are so many I think I'd really miss but narrowing it down I'd pick

  • imperial set, really like the detail to it and all the colourways
  • as others have said all the animated wallpaper and flooring, love using those to decorate my home
  • star based objects from Celeste, especially the Nova light, crescent moon chair and moon which I find are useful in decorating the island, love all the colour at night when they're all lit up :giggle:
  • ironwood sets, agree with others on how nice it looks and its so handy to have something to make a lovely looking kitchen from
  • practically all the seasonal sets, I have recently really enjoyed decorating my island with illuminated decorations and turning a room in the house into a ice themed bedroom
  • Shell set - especially the bed, think I could just turn my island home into all bedrooms really with the number of beds I love 😅
Plus agree on customisation, think it was great addition to the game and makes so much furniture really versatile
I wouldn't go back. I would miss mostly everything we can craft. Especially the flower cart.
  • Celeste's items
  • The seasonal sets, especially the new mushrooms and festive/snow sets for fall and winter
  • The Shell set
  • The bug and fish models
  • Animated wallpapers and carpets
  • The log stuff
I suppose I'd miss the dark brown and black antique furniture sets, the Celeste items, mom items, and wedding items 0:
I would miss the animated wallpaper and flooring also. They are a game changer and make rooms more lively.

- Cherry blossom set
- Pools
- Nova light + clock
- Starry garland
- Wedding set
- Hyacinth lamp
- Mush lamp
- Luna's bed
- Imperial set
- Rattan set
- Pagoda (it's so tiny in nl compared to nh)
- Bug and fish models
- Rugs
I love this thread. Yes, we are sadly missing some things in NH currently but we also have so many new cool things that I'd never want to give up!!
The shell set is amazing. And I loooove the DIYs from Celeste! So magical and absolutely best. And let's not forget about the clothes?!? Having wings is my favorite thing <3
I'd honestly miss the basic wooden furniture. I know we had the alpine furniture in New Leaf, but the ones from New Horizons are so versatile and just as customizable. I'd also miss the antique set (which I know is just a rebranded classic set) because I love that "shine" they have, haha. Mom items, the wedding set, and all the cute clothes would be missed too. I know I personally rag on New Horizons a lot, but it does have a lot of cool items!
while there’s a lot of furniture that i love in new horizons, i would definitely miss the crescent-moon chair, three-tiered snowperson, the mom’s items, the spooky carriage, the bears (baby, mama, papa and giant), the festive trees and the illuminated items the most!

definitely probably missing a few + i can’t remember if any of these items had equivalents in new leaf but these are the main ones, i think aha. :’^)
In terms of furniture, everything. People may call it boring but NH furniture is more my style. The furniture are classy and less gimmicky / gaudy to me. They look like actual furniture I’d use in my real life house (the rattan and antique sets are amazing in all color ways). The only set I really liked in NL are the rococo, regal and the alpine ones anyways. The rest are way too garish for my tastes.
Iron and stone fencing, stone lion and lanterns. I think I used these ones the most for decorating on my island, maybe a bit too much... 😆
I also really liked the mushroom collection, I use them here and there in the background and it really fills up spaces nicely with a colourful "forest" feel/look.

The christmas furniture we got is also soo beautiful, I think I'm going to keep a couple small trees around the island for the rest of the year, hehe. :giggle: