New Horizons KK songs


I've frikin' LEFT the forum :D bye!! won't miss ya
Jul 29, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Tasty Cake
Yellow Star Fragment
Tasty Cake
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I realized I have almost all of them!!! woot woot :D tho i am actually a lil sad bc it's fun to look at the Nook stop everyday to see if there's one i don't have yet. ;p

if you wanna sell some that i don't have to me: check my nookazon here :)

anyone else collect these?
I'm looking forward to getting the K.K. Aria one bc it has my baby Lucy on the front and she's literally doing ballet which is my *planned* profession lol
Nice job! I have a good bit of them, I only collect them when I remember to. I enjoy listening to them, though!
Yeah. I enjoy listening to them on shuffle-play, and I have radios in every room of my house and all around the island lol.

I removed K.K. Dirge from my list though because it was just creepy 0-0 but I have it hanging on my wall soooo it's oki xD
I need to remove Marine Song 2001 from my list because it's REEAAALLY long and INCREDIBLY annoying and plays ALL. THE. TIME. Probably hang that on my wall too xD
Thanks for reminding me that I still need to go request a song from K.K. I don't know how many I have. I don't know if I'm close to finishing my song list.
I collect K.K. songs! I've only got 20 left to go. I haven't been playing every day since launch, so I haven't been seeing K.K. as much as I'd like.

When you have so few songs left to go, it's almost annoying to look at the Nook Stop because I get repeats so often...
i collect them, too! i’m not really sure why i do especially since it’s just one more thing to take up my storage lmao, but it’s neat having them; i have all of them in my catalog minus k.k. birthday, but since i’m still working towards the k.k. nook mile achievement, i’ll still have him perform for me and save whatever song he gives me to add to my collection aha ;;
i've really been slacking on the kk front... i usually remember to go to his concerts so i can get the nook mile achievement but i never seem to buy them from the nook stop!
I just got the remaining normal songs yesterday (not that hard with five characters haha) Now I'll have to wait ~five weeks for the first birthday :)
I randomly collected a bunch of songs so far, mainly using them as decorations for my walls right now. May try to obtain them all at some point.
I got K.K. Aria from the concert last night aye

I will never forget my first K.K. song: K.K. Lament. Sent to me via mail from my irl friend lmao