Hey there I'm new to the forums even though I've had this account forever! And I'm hoping you all welcome me to your towns and can help me when needed? Also, I'm needing help naming my town any suggestions??
Hey, I'm pretty new here too so we can both be new to these forums together!
I've been playing for a few months so I'm not a huge expert, but I can definitely assist you when needed. As for town names, think of the name of a town in your favorite show or book. Or maybe use a character's first or last name as your town name. (The Town of Yumehara, Town of Piper, Town of Tomoe) Me? I got my town name from an internet famous cat named Lil Bub, hence the name of my town being... Bub.
Maybe think of a cool street name that you know? Or a song/band? Maybe make a combination of all of these. Town name's are the hardest, but you'll get there.