• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

New Leaf Re-imagined as Competitive Team Game

Jul 2, 2015
Throwback Tickets
Hey all! I came up with a fun idea for an imaginary game that I thought I could turn into a kind of fun activity. Basically, I came up with the format for a remodeled New Leaf that lets players test their skills against each other by using their favorite characters that each have their own strengths. Well for the community part, you all can come up with characters that I will add to the first post! These can be special characters or even any of the 300+ villagers in the game as long as their abilities have something to do with their species, appearance, or personality. I want as many as possible and repeats will just be placed next to each other! I worked for a while on this, but I'm still human so if there are any major mistakes or complications, let me know so I can fix it. You can even come up with new key concepts if you want. I made the key concepts and some key characters to get it started. So get to making those movesets! ^_^

The idea is to create a 3 v 3 team game where the goal is to attain the highest collective happiness levels primarily by creating a "perfect" side of town from a dump and destroying the other team's half of town before the end of the game. The time in this game is sped up dramatically to go from 6 PM to 12 AM in 6 minutes. Spawns of fish, bugs, ect. are all still random, but with way more balloons and the time of year and weather conditions would also be randomized.

Key Concepts:

Time: The matches take place in two rounds. Both matches start at 6 PM and end at 12 AM. Every minute in real time is an hour in game time. Characters visiting Main Street after their shop is closed will become drowsy and fall asleep for 10 seconds (real time) after they leave main street, which means many characters like Isabelle and Blathers will never fall asleep due to time because their buildings do not close. Some processes take a day to work so having a second day counts as an investment. Anything that takes more than one day in New Leaf to develop is reduced to one day, such as trees. At the end of the game, the players are awarded bonus happiness for the quality of their town as though it is being graded the next day, so tree, pwp's, ect. are finished when the town is being graded even if they were planted in the second half of the match.

Happiness: Happiness is increased by doing MANY things such as having a stylish outfit and home, but mostly as a product of character abilities and performing tasks. At the end of the game, bonus points are awarded for town quality.

Style: Having more matching clothing (hat, accessory, shirt, pants, socks, shoes) increases the amount of happiness gained by doing tasks. The first piece of clothing does not count for anything, but every piece of clothing that matches on top of that counts will increase the amount of happiness they get from that point on by 5%. Having a full outfit increases their happiness bonus to 25%.

Luck: Players can increase their luck through following Feng Shui guidelines. Alternatively, players will get a random luck bonus from visiting Katrina (wealth, friendship, romance, item, health) and wearing the item she tells them to. She can be visited multiple times and multiple luck bonuses can be tacked on top of each other.

HHA: Having matching furniture items or ones that fit a certain theme, ect. will give bonus points at the end of the game.

Villagers: 4 random villagers will be on each side of the map, making 8 total. They are programmed like normal for the most part and talking to and doing favors for them will increase their friendship level, which will give you a bonus at the end of the game. Having a clean side of town with more villagers will allow villagers to contribute to the happiness score.

Temper: The way a character in this game "dies". Temper starts at 50/100 percent. Every hit with the toy hammer or net adds 25%. If a player's temper hits max they will storm back to their building in the shopping district or their home created through Nook's Homes. Some character abilities and actions will reduce temper.

Super Meter: Every action in the game that increases happiness will also increase your super meter. However, letting the temper meter overload will cut the super meter in half once the character "respawns".

Bells: Bells are obtained through selling to Re-Tail or the Nooklings if Re-Tail is closed. Characters start with no bells.

Furniture: Furniture is used to obtain HHA points, but can also be put on the ground in leaf form for convenience or in furniture form as an obstacle. Furniture made with ore takes much longer to move.

Buildings:Main Street is located in the middle of the town with an entrance on both sides, vertically. All special characters in Animal Crossing with a building they usually reside in (re-tail, brewster's, ect.) will be located in Main Street even if they were not in the original game. One of the key points of this game is that character selection matters a lot because the services of whatever characters are being played are closed (except to that character) when the match starts. However, the player using the character will have special benefits such as getting their own products at half price when visiting their own shop, being able to sell 25% higher in the case of Reese, ect. Many characters do not have buildings. The TnT Emporium is the only building that can not be shut down because Timmy and Tommy are not playable and there has to be someone to sell to if things can not be sold to Reese. The Toy Hammer is also available at the TnT Emporium for 500 bells.

Trading: You can hit the action button facing other players to “talk” to them which will open up your inventory and allow you to give them an item. The other player can hit B once to cancel the transaction.



Tom Nook

Penny Pincher: Starts off with 5,000 bells at the start of the match.

Home Sweet Home: Can place down a tent that acts as a selectable respawn point for another character and increases their happiness. Using this again can upgrade the tent into a house and further on, which increases happiness dramatically. This ability costs a lot of money to use any more than the first time, but much less than buying a home from the regular store.

Meet the Neighbor: During a visit to Nook's homes, Nook can use his super to make a new villager move in. The new neighbor moves in and either increases or decreases happiness score depending on the status of the played's side. A good town will allow the new neighbor to continuously contribute to increasing happiness. Two equal towns where one has an extra neighbor, the one with the extra neighbor will win as long as the town is good. However if both towns are bad the one with the extra neighbor will lose because of the extra neighbor subtracting from the happiness levels.

Nook's Homes: Players go here to obtain a home that they can place on the field to act as a new respawn point which increases happiness by a lot. However, takes a lot of money investment. Going into a home makes your character unable to be touched and also reduces temper dramatically. Furniture can also be placed in the home.
Open: 6 PM - 9 PM



HHA Training: Can see the names of all furniture nearby.

Namesake: Can use the function of a shovel for all purposes without using a shovel, even if a tool is already equipped.

Rush Order: Digby can go into a home and order a bunch of furniture that will arrive either two minutes (real time) at Nook’s Homes (or a home purchased from Nook’s Homes) or at the last minute of the game in real time (whichever is earlier). Digby’s super will have no effect if performed during the last minute of the game.



Keep the Town Beautiful: Starts the match with the golden watering can.

Public Works Project: Can create a Public Works Project that increases the status of her side of town without needing to return to the Town Hall.

Master of Celebration: Returning to Town Hall and activating the super starts a firework show that encompasses the entire side of the town that Isabelle is playing for. This super lasts 30 seconds and every 5 seconds a firework goes off that increases the super meter of all players by 5%.

Town Hall: Characters can go here to select public works projects to place in their village. Public Works Projects increase happiness levels but can also be used to create bridges. Any character can make them.


K.K. Slider

Starstruck: Players within close proximity to K.K. will have their happiness increased gradually.

Live Performance: Players will have their temper meter fall while within a moderate range of K.K. on the first performance, then have their special meter rise on the next performance. The button can be held down for as long as the player wants, but never shorter than 2 seconds.

DJ K.K.: A large area of effect surrounds K.K. as he brings out his Turntable and it rapidly increases the super meter of everyone in the area on K.K.’s team.

Club LOL (late): Players can go here to increase their super meter steadily.
Open: 8 PM - 12 AM


Dr. Shrunk

Shrink: Whenever a player gives him a fruit, they will gain one of Shrunk's joke abilities in their jokebook tab.

Jokebook: Can choose between Laughter (increases happiness slightly), Resignation (decreases temper), and Showmanship (increases super meter) by holding down the button to rotate them. Tapping it will activate the joke selected.

Shrunk Shuffle: Teaches all players Shrunk Shuffle in their jokebook for 15 seconds. Doing the Shrunk Shuffle by itself will increase as much happiness as one laughter use, but using it near another player will act as a multiplier for every player. So if all players use it right next to each other they will receive 3x laughter each.

Club LOL (early): Players can go here to give a fruit to Dr. Shrunk to teach them a random joke between Resignation (decreases temper), Laughter (increases happiness), and Showmanship (increases super meter).
Open: 6 PM-8PM.



Curator: Gets a boost of happiness every time an item is donated to the museum.

Paleontologist: Can assess fossils without taking them to the museum.

Night Owl: Can gain the ability to fly for 1 minute (real time). Flying is toggled on and off by pressing the up direction on the D-Pad, which players would normally use to look at the sky. Blathers goes faster and is not impeded by obstacles while flying.

The Museum: Players can donate unique donatable items here to get a happiness bonus at the end of the game.



Pre-set: Can stack one hat, accessory, shirt, pants, socks and shoes into one slot.

Outfit: Can apply clothes to nearby players, including her pre-set outfits.

Charisma: Movement up by 100% whenever near someone with not wearing a shirt and/or pants.

Able Sisters: Players that visit here can purchase clothing to attach to their character. The more pieces match, the more bonus happiness points the player gets at the end of the game. Shoes and socks cannot be purchased here.
Open: 6 PM - 9 PM



Focused: Temper increases at half the rate when doing a task (fishing, making clothes, sneaking with net)

Seamstress: Will open up a list that says shirt and pants, then the style of clothing can be selected next from a list. Then Sabel will stay still to work on creating that item for 10 seconds (real time).

Bonding Time: Chooses the teammate closest to the player and being close to that person will increase Sabel's happiness gradually for 30 seconds.

Able Sisters: Players that visit here can purchase clothing to attach to their character. The more pieces match, the more bonus happiness points the player gets at the end of the game. Shoes and socks cannot be purchased here.
Open: 6 PM - 9 PM



Running Shoes: Kicks runs 10% faster than any other character

Shoe Shine: Can give any passing player a shoe shine that increases their style points, but wears down gradually.

Kicks: Kicks kicks the player with a cinematic that pauses the game for everyone and shows the other player fly away. They then wake up at their shop or home.

Kicks: A store that sells shoes and socks.



Trendy: Starts the match with a completely matching set of clothes.

Fashion Expert: Can use her ability to check nearby clothing for its type (cute, historical, ect) even if it is on another player or in her inventory.

Fashion Check: Can immediately max out any player’s temper meter that does not have a majority of their clothes matching.

GracieGrace: Extremely expensive clothing and furniture, but it all matches. Does not restock the next day.
Open: 6 PM - 9 PM



Gardener: Starts with the Golden Shovel, the Golden Axe, and the Golden Watering can, but is 10% slower than other characters.

Environmental Activist: Using his ability allows him to see where everything related to the environment is, but only one type at a time. Pressing the button once will activate the weed sensor, then trash sensor, then flower sensor, then tree sensor, then flower sensor, then back to no sensor. (similar to the echolocator in Splatoon)

Inspirational Speech: Will start yelling to everyone in the nearby area for 5 seconds, then will fall asleep for 5 seconds. However, players can wake him up by talking to him. Other players near him while giving the speech will have their speed increased by 50%.

Gardening Store: Starts, flowers, saplings, an axe, plant furniture, and fertilizer is sold here.
Open: 6 PM - 9 PM



Spiritual Connection: Always has good luck in all areas.

Fortune: Can select a player to have a fortune telling session with that lasts 10 seconds, in which she will tell them an article of clothing they can use to increase their luck. Talking to a player after they equipped the clothing will give them another clothing piece suggestion to further increase their luck.

Curse: Everyone on the opposing team will receive bad luck in all categories for 1 minute (real time).

Fortune Shop: Players that enter here will be able to pay 500 bells to have Katrina tell them their fortune. Which basically forces Katrina to use her ability on them if she is not being played in-game.
Open 6 PM - 9 PM



Well-rested: Temper increases slower and super increases faster

Nap Time: Places a bed that allows the player to lay on it for 3 seconds, which will put their temper at 0.

Good Dream: Players on the other team will no longer have any effect on anything in the game. Players will have to go to the plaza on their side of the map and lay on the beds that appear there to put them back in the "real world".



Reese-ycle: Can see the market price of all items.

Flea Market: Can place a flea market space down in the town, where any player can place an item for any price. It will also attract villagers from the town.

Premium: Reese gets an urge for a certain item (frog) or category of items (shirts) and puts it on the sign at her store by returning to Re-Tail. Every item of these she has in her inventory at the end of the day will give her a lot of bonus happiness. Additional supers will add another premium item.

Re-Tail: A place where players can put up items on the Flea Market and sell their items by talking to Reese. They can also refurbish furniture by talking to Cyrus. Furniture customized with ore can be placed on the map and become three times as slow to push or pull. It can also not be picked up except by the player that put it there. Other customized furniture can be used for Feng Shui and a type of HHA bonus that exists in New Leaf.



Re-Cyrus: Compatible items will merge themselves together in Cyrus’ inventory after staying there for 30 seconds.

Dreams of Reese: Cyrus can go to sleep to increase his super meter and wake up whenever he wants.

Material Needs: Can turn any rock into an ore rock.

Re-Tail: A place where players can put up items on the Flea Market and sell their items by talking to Reese. They can also refurbish furniture by talking to Cyrus. Furniture customized with ore can be placed on the map and become three times as slow to push or pull. It can also not be picked up except by the player that put it there. Other customized furniture can be used for Feng Shui and a type of HHA bonus that exists in New Leaf.



Life on the Waves: Swims 100% faster than other characters.

No Land Lubber: Can swim in any body of water with no wetsuit, including ponds.

Sea Shanties: Starts singing to increase his own super meter.

If this gets a decent amount of attention I'll come up a super serious competitive version of this imaginary game.
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