New Member Needs Help.


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2016
Before I begin, I'd like to say hi, so...hi, hey there, new and awkward member here~ I hope I'm welcomed. All I really have to ask is, 1, how do I earn bells here to purchase things from the store, and 2, how do I upload an avatar?

I could do some self research, but I'm currently busy eating two different bowls of cereal, and I'd rather not allow them to get too soggy. Thanks to anyone who helps/replies! I'd serve you a bowl of cereal as a thanks instead, but, I mean, it's so obvious as to why that couldn't actually happen.
1. you can earn bells from posting around the forum or creating topics such as these. or you can sell/trade things from games (such as acnl) for the bells.

2. go to settings at the top of the page, then scroll down until you see "edit avatar" on the left side, click that. scroll down a little until you see "Option 2 - Upload Image From Your Computer:" then click choose file and upload your file. scroll down to the bottom and click save changes.
Also, if you would like you can go to settings, then signature to make your forum account recognizable and cool :p