New Member! With some questions...


Junior Member
Dec 17, 2013
Hello! I recently joined because I never bothered playing the Wifi part of Animal Crossing, but I started playing around with the Dream Suite and I guess that got me interested. :p I've been navigating the site and it made me think of a few questions: how do I figure out my dream villagers? I always thought it would just be the people in my town... and how is the friend code different from the dream code? And I guess how do I figure that out too? Sorry if these are obvious questions I'm just VERY new to this kind of stuff haha. :blush:
Yo welcome.

The dream villagers are villagers you decide you like and want to keep in town forever.

Friend code allows wifi travel. When you unlock the PWP for the Dream Suite (after 10 or so days of play, talk to Isabelle when she's randomly asleep at her desk), and build it, talk to Luna inside. She explains anything and everything about Dreaming.