when a new neighbor move in to your town its by a sign but what are the exact measurements near a sign so i can start planting along the out skirts or the sign posts?
I guess i am having a hard time explaining my self. any where there is a sign post there a possibility of a new house when you get a new neighbor. If i am trying to leave that area blank so if a house does appear it wont kill my plant/trees how much room do i leave
I recently planted a bunch of flowers around a house where the neighbor was leaving. I think there was one space to the right of the sign, one space to the bottom of the sign, 2 spaces to the left and 2 spaces to the top.
So a 4x4 square like this
X = empty space
S = sign
Wait, now I am thinking it's 4x3 spaces... because all houses I can only plant 3 flowers along side them.
Maybe it's like this instead
I don't feel like turning my Wii on right now, but I can check in the morning.