New Stage!

Trent the Paladin

Lv 29 Nerd
Retired Staff
Nov 7, 2006
Father's Day Carnation
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Festive Bell
Green Christmas Stocking
Yellow Candy
Tasty Cake
Crescent Moon Glow Wand
Rainbow Feather
Yellow Pansy
Pikachu Easter Egg
Due to my insomnia, you can see that I was up early. The new stage is New Pork City. It's the new Temple stage in a way. The buildings are billboards and a monster called the Ultimate Chimera, which, if you get hit by it, you'll lose a life.

Finally. Hyrule Temple was the best stage in Meelee, so this is good news for me.

But why is there a duck on the chimeras head?
The stage looks cool but the game it's from doesn't ring a bell. >_<
Mother 3 perhaps?
the duck is because it is the ultimate chimera, what chimera could be ultimate without its duckling powers?
this stage will make me laugh when noobs play... so many little platforms with nothing in between them, I can see my friends falling... and falling... and falling lol
I don't see how this is even almost as big as the Hyrule Temple....

But, still a pretty fun-lookin' stage.

EDIT: Nvm...I didn't realize how small the characters are compared to it.
