Hello everybody on belltreeforums My name is Qball I am a bit late to animal crossing I just bought Animal Crossing New Horizons and will be turning to here for advice and tips. I know the game was already out for all while, and was considering getting it earlier. So, please forgive me if i'm not in the loop of what's going on in the community. But, I hope to become a valueable contributor to the community one day. I don't know if this is an appropriate forum for this and this might be TMI. But, I also have Asperger's so I'm not good as interacting with people as much as I'd like to. I only am telling this I don't have a lot of friends IRL who i meet frequently. I hope this isn't a bother for anyone and if it is, I'm sorry. But, hopefully I can make friends here and contribute as much as I can.