New to Horizons. Old to Pocket Camp

welcome to the forums! i hope you’ll enjoy it here! 💕

congrats on your new switch! how are you enjoying it and new horizons so far? do you have any favourite villagers from pocket camp? ☺️
Welcome to the forums! Congrats on your new Switch!

Was Pocket Camp your first AC game? It was my first AC game, and I agree that there is definitely a learning curve! Do you have any favourite villages on Pocket Camp, and have you found any new favourites on NH yet? 😊🌟
Welcome to the forums! I've played Pocket Camp a few times, but ACNH is the one I play the majority of the time. If you ever need any materials, Nook Mile Tickets, I game bells, etc, feel free to DM me and I would happily help you out! 😀