New to the party

Welcome! This forum is an AWESOME place to learn tips and tricks and ask questions. It's true, we're all still learning, and we learn new things from each other all the time! At least I do! :)
Welcome, I started around the same time as you aswell. I've already learnt so many things from being on here 😁
Welcome to TBT!

The community here is awesome :)

I always tell people to check out this thread:

TBTers highlight a ton of details and tricks that I didn’t notice myself!
Thanks and i was going to ask if there was a good thread to read through with good information.
Welcome to TBT!

The community here is awesome :)

I always tell people to check out this thread:

TBTers highlight a ton of details and tricks that I didn’t notice myself!
Welcome! There are many rabbit holes to fall down and new things to learn here 😊 I’m still getting aquatinted with the all of the information that’s available!