New Town Help


Senior Member
Apr 8, 2012
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
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So I want to restart my animal crossing city folk but I want to keep a couple of my items. I was wondering if someone could give me their friendcode and vice versa. Then I would go to our town and then I would give you the items. Restart my game and then go back and retrieve them. It'd be awesome if someone would do this for me. None of my friends have this game so I would really appreciate it because I've been looking for a way to do this. You could have anything I didn't transfer to my new game. I have lucky items like the master sword etc. I even have all the fruit! So please help!

I'm down.

gate is open.

Oh snap, something came up, I can't play right now. Sorry
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If we're online at the same time one day, i'd be more than happy to
Hey Bidoof, could you help me with that now? Whats your info?
Just so people dont think I ignored you, we PM'd
Do you need flowers? I have lots of flowers (no hybrids) if you want any.
I'll be on in like 30 minutes! I'll have my gate open!

P.S. do you have any Jacobs ladders? It's fine if you don't!
Ok, I'm ready when you are.

Edit: I don't see your gates open. Or were you thinking about visiting my town first?
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I have the game on so if you are online right now, Id be ok doin it. I saw you had all the fruits so if it were ok with you could you bring some fruits if you havent restarted already? I have peaches, coconuts, and pears.