Pokémon New Trailer for Upcoming Pokemon SwSh Expansions!


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2020

This dropped earlier today (No english version yet to my knowlage)

But it is showing off so much cool new stuff!
Full SlowBro!
Raids for SO MANY old Legendarys!

The hype is starting to build for me.
What do you think is the coolest thing shown here?
Thank you for sharing this! I'm hyped, and glad it's coming out mid June rather than late June as initially thought. I'm most excited about the returning Pokemon (Luxray, Kangaskhan and Absol are popular ones for sure!). The gigantamax forms are also very cool! Every aspect of the trailer seems quite exciting tbh 🥰
i'm very excited for all the returning pokemon, the new legendary forms and SLOWBRO x3
Kubfu is really growing on me. Its expressions in and out of battle are super cute! I'm also looking forward to the new Crown Tundra character they showed a few times in the trailer.
It's getting closer and closer to release day for the first chunk of the expansion!

I have'nt really touched pokemon since New Horizons came out, which is terrible of me, i know, but im excited to get back into it!