New Years Resolutions and Plans ( January check in)

How are your resolutions coming

  • People still do thoughs

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Going okay

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Have not started

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Completely forgot

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Starting now

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • going great

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters


Senior Member
May 14, 2020
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Tasty Cake
I started a thread right before the New Year, asking as a place for everyone to share their plans. I thought it would be fun to check in on how everyone's plans were going on the first Saturday of each month. Although not much time has passed, how is everyone doing with actually starting their resolutions?

Original thread located here: New Years Resolutions and Plans | The Bell Tree Animal Crossing Forums (

I started a new thread for the check-ins, so those that wanted to participate can join in or ignore this post. :) Also, so it was more organized?

For ME:

My Island:
  • Still the original so far, though I struggled with not resetting at the New Year for a clean start. That is still something I am entertaining next year.
  • I have played for at least 20 minutes a day, but I hit at least an hour most of the time.
  • I have hosted three meteor shower events and opened my island to buy turnips, thus becoming more active in the community.
  • Terraforming - I am putting this on hold until the snow melts. But I have been planning my first project, which will be my entrance. I have mapped out a general entry plaza that I plan on changing the furniture to reflect the different seasons.
  • Be more active: I have managed to use Ring Fit Adventures for 5 days with 2 days off.
  • As far as villagers being active means, I get up to be active - not so much. Villagers exercise a lot more than I realized, so...I am changing this one.
    • The first villager I see doing aerobics or yoga, I will get up to participate. But only the first.
  • Start Journaling - I have an island journal: Fairytale Island Journal | The Bell Tree Animal Crossing Forums ( and a physical journal
  • I started winter semester term 1 for Early Childhood Education. This is my second semester in school.
  • I started reading my 1st book (Natural History of Dragons) for the month ( Genera Fantasy)
  • Play no more than 6 hours.......this one also got changed; I don't come close to six hours during the week.
    • Play no more than 6 hours M-F (which I did) and free play until 830 cut off on my days off.
  • Be more productive. This one has taken off. I found an app that helps me organize my cleaning schedule and to-do lists, so things are not getting overlooked anymore and slowly becoming more organized.

Original thread responders:
(if you do not want to be apart of check-ins let me know and I will remove you.
@AppleBitterCrumble, @TheSillyPuppy, @Radio, @Bluebellie, @Amilee, @Etown20, @JKDOS, @azurill, @megantron, @letterKnumber9, @Auntie, @Rika092, @John Wick, @Halloqueen, @RedPanda, @SlEEPYTEARRS, @xara, @Tobyjgv, @Poppies_92, @JellyBeans, @Wickel, @huuussein, @dizzy bone, @TheDuke55, @Mairmalade, @LuchaSloth, @StarlitGlitch, @airysuit, @Kattea, @Yoshisaur, @KittenNoir, @Lexy, @maria110
What a fun idea! Here's my update. Trying to be busy because once I start working I'll have a lot less free time.

  • Finish terraforming the dang island ---------> no progress since I made this goal yet
  • Collect all villager photos (without TTing/buying the photos) ---------> 3/10 collected (no progress since I already had 3)
  • Decorate all the villager yards -----------> 3/10 yards decorated (no progress since I already had 3 decorated before 2021)

  • Read 25 books -----------> 1/25 books read
  • Watch 20 anime series -----------> 2/20 series watched
  • Learn enough Tagalog to maintain a conversation with a fluent speaker --------> not sure if this is something I can progress track haha I've just been doing flashcards and other exercises
  • Complete 50 gift art drawings for others -----------> 2/50 gift arts drawn
Keeping this short because work is driving me up the wall.

  • Make at least one custom design per month. More specific goals being to create seasonal/holiday-themed versions of my island flag and a spring/summer clothing line
    • Made two spring/summer custom designs, which I've posted on my gallery thread. Also made some quick changes to my island flag in preparation for Chinese New Year
  • Finish off the art wing of the Museum and do my best to help my S/O and friends finish theirs. XD
    • Almost at 30 artwork donations now... making progress slowly but surely
  • Work out at least 5 times per week for at least 20 minutes.
    • I'm at 4/7 for this week. I need to start going to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier to exercise before work
  • Stretch for at least 10 minutes every day.
    • I haven't been stretching after every workout...
  • Read 20 pages of any book/Kindle book every day.
    • I'm hacking my way around this by reading over the weekend only. Not exactly how I wanted to go about this, but eh
  • Listen to a product management podcast episode once a week.
    • Don't really care for podcasts at the moment. I'm in too many meetings at work to listen to them or even music during the day and I'm too low on energy to do "something productive" after work
  • Put away a fixed percentage of my income into an RRSP for retirement saving.
    • lmao, the meme about Millennials having no money to buy a house is nothing if not accurate. Hard not to question capitalism as it is. On top of living expenses, why must hobbies cost money, too? ;-;
this is fun! probably won't do enough to update every week but:
ease back into regular playing
I've definitely been playing more. there's one area I'm planning to redecorate as soon as I've built enough perfect snowboys to get the achievement, and beyond that I'm planning some more terraforming
get the rest of the DIYs!
still working towards it but I've got a few more
try a bit harder with gifting villagers and getting their pictures
I got Pashmina's photo a couple of days ago! and I'm gifting villagers more often
actually plan things before jumping into them!
haven't done any projects yet that I've needed to plan

get into uni
exams have been cancelled so who know where we're going there

workout videos are still sat unwatched in my 'watch later' playlist..
read a wider variety of book genres.
started the year off finishing something slightly different to usual but then hopped straight back into my classic ya romance novel. I'm making a list of more books to read though!
Island goals
I didn't have many goals as the game is just a way to relax for me, but in some way I guess I had a few:
  • Trade more to get the items I want
    • I have been trading a lot and got a lot more new items! Mostly due to the catalog island on tbt.
  • Continue building up the island
    • Thanks to all the new items I was able to get because of point 1, I also felt very inspired to continue to work on my island! So this is also going goood and I have some nice, new areas. Still a lot of empty woods though.
  • Work on the critterpedia
    • I caught 2 new sea creatures the past week that I donated to Blathers! :)

Personal goals
  • Don't buy any new clothing items. I want to purchase only vintage/second hand items.
    • So far I haven't bought any clothing at all, but I need some new jeans. I'm a little hesitant to buy them 2nd hand because, with stores closed, I can't try them on and I always have trouble finding the good jeans-size. I'm going to try thoguh.
  • Be more organized
    • I found a youtube channel with discord server that really helps me: Study Vibes. The channel is just a girl with scheduled study streams of 50min study + 10min breaks. The discord associated is really nice because it's a lot of people together trying to stay motivated and offers multiple ways to keep track of your goals/to-do's etc. I've been using it only for two days but it helps so far. I also downloaded the 'Forest'-app to keep me off my phone when doing these study sessions (and people in the discord also use the app together)
  • Be more active, I never work out. Once the gyms reopen I want to become a member and go at least 3 times a week for an hour.
    • I haven't done much with this goal, it's always pushed to the back because it's so easy not to do.
  • Finish my master's degree
    • Working on my january deadlines as we speak, with the organizational goal going well, this is also going a lot better than I did in december.
Here is my update

for my island :
Finish parts of my island. Some of my island is still unfinished since I’m not sure what to do. -
I haven’t really done much to my main island since I started a second one
spend more time with villagers

I have been talking to them more and did get a request for a treasure hunt

Try to have different villagers and not just keep the ones I have
I now have a second island so I do more villagers. I did switch out one villager on my main.

adding: finish my museum. I only need Two sea creatures but really need to work on the art section

Work out more
I have started walking more but should start yoga
Read more I used to read a lot more then I do now.
I did start a new book but haven’t gotten very far in it. I really should have a better balance between reading and video games.

get more organized and mange my time better.
I haven’t made any progress with this one. I also need to start working on my anxiety.
My Island

  • Redesign my island
After getting inspired by watching so many youtube videos and seeing other people's beautiful islands, I really wanted to start off this year by completely redoing my own island. Last year, I named my island Tropico and wanted to go for a very tropical themed place which eventually came out really great but I did miss the forest and cosy village themed areas so that's mostly my focus for my new island.

In the beginning progress what a bit slow since I didn't own a lot of those themed items I suddenly needed right now but after spending quite some time trading I'm finally (almost) all up-to-date and started with terraforming. The struggles I remembered from last year (moving houses and the accompanied wait) are all back, though. 😁

  • Critterpedia
Last month I finally completed my art section and right now only bugs, fish and sealife is left. I'm just missing 1 bug I missed during the summer (I completely forgot to look for it since I was so busy working on my island), I might have to TT for it or look for an island in the SH since it's gone now for a while :(
Fish is also almost done and that just leaves sealife. My OCD really wants to 100% the museum, hehe 😊

  • Spoiling my villagers a bit more
The last few months, I've really been neglecting some of my villagers in terms of sending them gifts, etc.. so I really want to "up" the gift giving this year! Most of them are already walking around in a brand new wardrobe =D

Personal Life

  • Fitness
Last summer I started doing regular workouts together with a friend of mine who works part-time as a personal coach and I had a lot of fun. Sadly, he's been dealing with cancer for a while now and they found some new stuff that has to be removed by surgeries. So since he had to give up fitness for a while, I also started to skip lessons and eventually completely stopped as the holidays came.

I recently did found out about "HIIT" training and started doing it 4 times a week which I really want to hold myself to this year. So far, It's going great and I also like doing it =D

  • Cooking
I always really enjoyed cooking things but never did it on the "hobby chef" level as in keeping recipes, trying more difficult things, etc. That's something I really want improve in. Next week they're installing a new stove & oven here so I can start cooking it up!! :D

  • Be more positive in general
2019 was a really rough year for me personally and ever since then I wanted to only be positive in life and be around people that are positive, there is already so much negativity & bad things going on in the world right now... even though 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, I managed to not get myself down and keep a good mind for the future! So far, it's been great, I feel great and I want to continue this trend into 2021 💛
Things are a little slow right now, but I'll get there.

Island (Same for both Islands)
  • Collect Art/Stop neglecting Redd's visits. This one is going okay. I can only go as fast as the game allows. I haven't dabbled in trading other players for art yet.
  • Collect all photos from villagers. I'm going slower than I could with this, but I have no doubt I'll get there. I'm spending more time right now terraforming my second island, which is currently still at 6/10 villagers... 0 of which I am keeping. Once the island is ready, I'll start working on unlocking K.K. and getting my permanent villagers in.

  • I don't have any really, but I'd love to get back into going to the gym 5 days a week again like before things closed back in March. I'm still waiting for COVID to die down first before I put myself in the gym.
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What a fun idea! Here's my update. Trying to be busy because once I start working I'll have a lot less free time.

  • Finish terraforming the dang island ---------> no progress since I made this goal yet
  • Collect all villager photos (without TTing/buying the photos) ---------> 3/10 collected (no progress since I already had 3)
  • Decorate all the villager yards -----------> 3/10 yards decorated (no progress since I already had 3 decorated before 2021)

  • Read 25 books -----------> 1/25 books read
  • Watch 20 anime series -----------> 2/20 series watched
  • Learn enough Tagalog to maintain a conversation with a fluent speaker --------> not sure if this is something I can progress track haha I've just been doing flashcards and other exercises
  • Complete 50 gift art drawings for others -----------> 2/50 gift arts drawn

I got my first villager photo last night so I guess I am 1 of 10. :)
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Keeping this short because work is driving me up the wall.

  • Make at least one custom design per month. More specific goals being to create seasonal/holiday-themed versions of my island flag and a spring/summer clothing line
    • Made two spring/summer custom designs, which I've posted on my gallery thread. Also made some quick changes to my island flag in preparation for Chinese New Year
  • Finish off the art wing of the Museum and do my best to help my S/O and friends finish theirs. XD
    • Almost at 30 artwork donations now... making progress slowly but surely
  • Work out at least 5 times per week for at least 20 minutes.
    • I'm at 4/7 for this week. I need to start going to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier to exercise before work
  • Stretch for at least 10 minutes every day.
    • I haven't been stretching after every workout...
  • Read 20 pages of any book/Kindle book every day.
    • I'm hacking my way around this by reading over the weekend only. Not exactly how I wanted to go about this, but eh
  • Listen to a product management podcast episode once a week.
    • Don't really care for podcasts at the moment. I'm in too many meetings at work to listen to them or even music during the day and I'm too low on energy to do "something productive" after work
  • Put away a fixed percentage of my income into an RRSP for retirement saving.
    • lmao, the meme about Millennials having no money to buy a house is nothing if not accurate. Hard not to question capitalism as it is. On top of living expenses, why must hobbies cost money, too? ;-;

So true, exatally why at 31 since I am not married I still live at home. Its cheaper and benifits everyone. Though I do want to have my own house one day.

For reading I have set asode half an hoir before bed its how I am managing that.

I saw you sweater inthe gallery. The doggie one and downloaded ir. I love it.
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My Island

  • Redesign my island
After getting inspired by watching so many youtube videos and seeing other people's beautiful islands, I really wanted to start off this year by completely redoing my own island. Last year, I named my island Tropico and wanted to go for a very tropical themed place which eventually came out really great but I did miss the forest and cosy village themed areas so that's mostly my focus for my new island.

In the beginning progress what a bit slow since I didn't own a lot of those themed items I suddenly needed right now but after spending quite some time trading I'm finally (almost) all up-to-date and started with terraforming. The struggles I remembered from last year (moving houses and the accompanied wait) are all back, though. 😁

  • Critterpedia
Last month I finally completed my art section and right now only bugs, fish and sealife is left. I'm just missing 1 bug I missed during the summer (I completely forgot to look for it since I was so busy working on my island), I might have to TT for it or look for an island in the SH since it's gone now for a while :(
Fish is also almost done and that just leaves sealife. My OCD really wants to 100% the museum, hehe 😊

  • Spoiling my villagers a bit more
The last few months, I've really been neglecting some of my villagers in terms of sending them gifts, etc.. so I really want to "up" the gift giving this year! Most of them are already walking around in a brand new wardrobe =D

Personal Life

  • Fitness
Last summer I started doing regular workouts together with a friend of mine who works part-time as a personal coach and I had a lot of fun. Sadly, he's been dealing with cancer for a while now and they found some new stuff that has to be removed by surgeries. So since he had to give up fitness for a while, I also started to skip lessons and eventually completely stopped as the holidays came.

I recently did found out about "HIIT" training and started doing it 4 times a week which I really want to hold myself to this year. So far, It's going great and I also like doing it =D

  • Cooking
I always really enjoyed cooking things but never did it on the "hobby chef" level as in keeping recipes, trying more difficult things, etc. That's something I really want improve in. Next week they're installing a new stove & oven here so I can start cooking it up!! :D

  • Be more positive in general
2019 was a really rough year for me personally and ever since then I wanted to only be positive in life and be around people that are positive, there is already so much negativity & bad things going on in the world right now... even though 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, I managed to not get myself down and keep a good mind for the future! So far, it's been great, I feel great and I want to continue this trend into 2021 💛

Welcome :)

Do you mind sharing the name of your friend with cancer? I would not mind prayung for his recovery. My grandfather battled and defeted cancer 4 times before he passed of age related issues. So when I hear of others I like to pray for them as well.
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I got my first villager photo last night so I guess I am 1 of 10. :)
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So true, exatally why at 31 since I am not married I still live at home. Its cheaper and benifits everyone. Though I do want to have my own house one day.

For reading I have set asode half an hoir before bed its how I am managing that.

I saw you sweater inthe gallery. The doggie one and downloaded ir. I love it.
Post automatically merged:

Welcome :)

Do you mind sharing the name of your friend with cancer? I would not mind prayung for his recovery. My grandfather battled and defeted cancer 4 times before he passed of age related issues. So when I hear of others I like to pray for them as well.

That's very kind! His name is Chris. A couple months ago they also found a new small tumor which they removed and he started to feel better again (did had to build up his physical strength again). Just after the summer they discovered something new again... it's incredible how the guy still has a great spirit ☺
1. Talk to villagers more

- I now have gotten to the best friend level with I believe 2 or 3 residents!
2. Dedicate some of my playtime to working/brainstorming of how to decorate my town
- Haven't gotten started on this
3. Track down seasonal DIYs (I really am missing out on the illuminated set xD)
- Got 5 new seasonal DIYs!
4. Do more island hopping
- Haven't started on this
5. Interact more casually with other players (i.e. not do strictly trades)
- Haven't started on this

1. Workout for at least an hour 5x a week

- Slowly but surely working my way up to 5 days a week
2. Get an internship for this summer
- Been applying to a couple internships, got accepted to be a volunteer social media/marketing intern for a bookmobile where I live. Since I am volunteering I wont be getting paid but I'm ok with this because I need to start off somewhere with getting marketing experience.
3. Make presidents list for the third semester in a row
- My spring semester hasn't started yet so I can't report on this yet
4. Start therapy to learn how to manage my anxiety
- I am planning on tackling this via my counseling service provided at my college, and since I'm not on campus yet I can't report on this yet
5. Make more connections
- Will be able to do this more when I am back on campus, hoping to meet and make genuine connections with 5 new people
I totally forgot about resolutions this year but after thinking about it I have a few for my island and a few personal.
for my island:
  • Finish decorating (I’m almost done so this shouldn’t take too long)
  • Get all of the DIYs
  • Finish my fish and bug collection (and sea creatures)
  • Try to play for fun instead of “completion”
  • Get at least one villager photo lol I have gotten none since i started playing in March
  • Teach myself italian, I already know some but I want to be more fluent buy the end of the year
  • Stretch more, my hip flexors are a mess lol
  • Learn to read tarot cards
  • Read 60 books. In 2020 I read 52 and my goal then was 50.
Hey :)

It's KittenNoir here just checking in with how my new years resolutions are going so far.

I have successfully started/completed the following tasks:
  • finally stuck to a path design and has placed it all down on my island
  • started to add more bushes and flowers
  • collected more bugs for my museum
  • started decorating my neighbours yards
  • finalising areas on my island
I have done a lot if I think of anymore I will edit them in :)
ah, check-ins are actually a great idea! knowing me, i probably won’t remember to check in every week but i’ll do my best aha.

new horizons
go at my own pace
complete something
finish my house and start working on my alt character’s
complete my museum and critterpedia

in all honesty, the only goal that i’ve been successful with so far is going at my own pace; which is good, since that’s lowkey the one that i wanted to work on the most aha. right now, my play-style is definitely just doing my daily tasks rather than anything decorative, so so far, at least my first resolution is going good lol. i’ll likely start working on my island a bit or work on finishing my house sometime soon + will be able to complete my museum and critterpedia in march so until then, i’m just vibin’ and going at my own pace. :’)

practice better hygiene
work on getting myself into therapy
strengthen my friendships + form new ones
start sticking up for myself + be honest with people

to be honest, i haven’t made much leeway with my personal resolutions, either lmao. however, i have been working on my hygiene, strengthening my friendships by y’know,, actually talking to them lol, and after confiding in my teacher about my home life (which i suppose might count towards being honest with people?), it’s possible that therapy will be in my near future, which is great! all in all, the first week of 2021 has honestly been about surviving for me and well, i’m still here, so i suppose that i’ve been successful so far aha. :’^)
ah, check-ins are actually a great idea! knowing me, i probably won’t remember to check in every week but i’ll do my best aha.

new horizons
go at my own pace
complete something
finish my house and start working on my alt character’s
complete my museum and critterpedia

in all honesty, the only goal that i’ve been successful with so far is going at my own pace; which is good, since that’s lowkey the one that i wanted to work on the most aha. right now, my play-style is definitely just doing my daily tasks rather than anything decorative, so so far, at least my first resolution is going good lol. i’ll likely start working on my island a bit or work on finishing my house sometime soon + will be able to complete my museum and critterpedia in march so until then, i’m just vibin’ and going at my own pace. :’)

practice better hygiene
work on getting myself into therapy
strengthen my friendships + form new ones
start sticking up for myself + be honest with people

to be honest, i haven’t made much leeway with my personal resolutions, either lmao. however, i have been working on my hygiene, strengthening my friendships by y’know,, actually talking to them lol, and after confiding in my teacher about my home life (which i suppose might count towards being honest with people?), it’s possible that therapy will be in my near future, which is great! all in all, the first week of 2021 has honestly been about surviving for me and well, i’m still here, so i suppose that i’ve been successful so far aha. :’^)

That's okay, I was only going to post the first weekend of every month anyays lol.