Newbie Alert =O


Deleted User

Lyk omgz 1 l0v @nimal cr0$$1ng!

Just Kidding. Im not like that
So, I just joined a few minutes ago, and I hav'nt posted much, but I hope to be fairly active on this great fourm. I first found it when I visited the great vids that all linked me here =P. I just had to join...So hea I am!
Hey guys! Thanks for welcoming me everyone =)
Hehe, its a great pic of kiwi hrm? Yummy.
kalinn; Aww, that stinks. Kiwi Rocks =)
Suaure; Im no n00b, I said newbie =P But ok, thanks for the offer =)

Wow. I just realized I used way too many smilies in this post o_O
Hello and welcome to The Bell Tree ^______^

Its good that your not like: Hallo, My Name Is ^N00ble^ And I Like Animal Crossing So Very Much That I Can PUUUUUUUUUUUUKE!!!!1111oneon!1aspellwrongonone-__- (No offense to people who shift-spell...)

Lol, hope you will have a great time on the forum ^__^
babee said:
Hey guys! Thanks for welcoming me everyone =)
Hehe, its a great pic of kiwi hrm? Yummy.
kalinn; Aww, that stinks. Kiwi Rocks =)
Suaure; Im no n00b, I said newbie =P But ok, thanks for the offer =)

Wow. I just realized I used way too many smilies in this post o_O
thats alright :p
just don't over do it on like every post
Yeah. I need to work on the amount of smilies that are in every post. Otherwise, I would seem weirder than I already am. Haha.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who welcomed me!

Oh and to the people that are like "You can add me if you want." Sorry, I cant =( My parents have a really stupid rule that im not allowed to...Im pretty much here to visit. Sorry.