Newbie here!


Junior Member
Nov 2, 2019
Hi everyone!
I recently started replaying this game and have really started to get a bit obsessed with it! So much so I have just bought a second game card in order to start a brand new town! Any tips welcome as I really am a beginner - thanks all
Welcome to The Bell Tree, and to Animal Crossing in general! I hope you enjoy playing it.
Welcome to The Bell Tree! honestly, here is where I learned all the really neat things about the game. The wikis tell you how to play, but here you'll learn exactly how to get the things you want to get done, done :p

also, the forum is like a game itself! be sure to check in (at least :p) when real life events are going down because the forums have definitely got something of their own for you to have fun in! we just finished the halloween event which was pretty big this year (beware potential lag around 7pm eastern tomorrow :p)