Welcome! It's okay that you got confused! I'm sure it's happened before; a lot of the time, people post things in the wrong section, but it's not like you'll be punished! Welcome to the forums!
hey im new to your site im still a little confused I mostly came to exchange friend codes with other players I was wondering if someone can help me ive seen people have animal crossing banners with their code on it that is so cool can anyone help me?
Hello Jaycat, pleasure to meet you ^^
Have fun in the site, very friendly community.
@Cupcakelover: IF you want a signature/banner you can post in TBT Marketplace Section. Just make a thread and let everyone know what type of signature/banner you're looking for. It be way better if you can be specific and provide the image as well
Welcome! You'll get used to how the site works quite quickly, but if you ever need help just ask, we won't bite! TBT is a very friendly place - just a few weeks ago I was in the same position as you and I was welcomed with opening arms ^_^