Night Theme please <3


Senior Member
Sep 13, 2013
Rad Heart Balloon
Final Boss Heart Balloon
Sweet Heart Balloon
Rad Heart Balloon
Zodiac Snake Figurine
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Fortune Cookie
I'd just like to throw out there how nice and valuable it'd be if a night theme was added to the forums. The only options I see in settings are very light bright backgrounds visually.

For myself personally, I had a TBI (traumatic brain injury) and light backgrounds feel rough on my eyes and brain especially prolonged. Light filters only help so much which is why dark backgrounds (like reddit has implemented and youtube) are very nice for people similar to me. :)

I hope one day these forums can follow suit.
sorry to hear about your TBI :<

i agree that a night theme would be good; i have sensitive eyes so the brightness is a bit problematic unless i turn my phone’s brightness all the way down, but then it’s hard to see anything.
I try using night mode on my device, but it makes TBF harder to navigate, as some pages are too bright to read, since the letters are too similar in color to the background. I have to consistently turn the feature on and off, which is really inconvenient, so i mostly keep it off. It sure would be nice to have a decent night mode. :)
jUST ChANGe YoUR TiMEzONe tO ThE rEVErsE sO iT'S NigHt tImE :lemon:
i fully support this

in the meantime, have you heard of NegativeScreen? highly recommend it as someone who has sensitive eyes that works almost entirely in Microsoft office programs (excel, word, outlook) and various other programs that display on black text and a white background -- it's a godsend color inverter with several different color variations / options

unfortunately it looks pretty ugly with the color inverters since TBT is kinda different shades of off white-yellow-brown BUT it looks alright in the sepia setting

(be sure to either download the official github one or from the dev site directly)
This would be great. Was one of the first things I looked to change when I registered and so far has been my only disappointment with the site.