Anyways, I'm glad the Switch is doing very well as of now. I'm assuming it had something to do with people's tight schedules and its portability.
I would throw the Wii U's low sales figures in as a contribute to the Switch's success too, not to mention Nintendo's previous lack of third party support.
I'm personally still not really that impressed with the Switch. The hardware aside
(which whilst it's impressive I can play these games on the go, I still see a lot of issues with it) I bought it for Nintendo exclusives and so far there's not been that much which has really blown my mind. I can count on one hand the number of current exclusives I've had enough interest in to finish with fingers to spare. Basically every Wii U port I already have on the Wii U, the vast majority of third party games I've already played on other systems or would prefer to own on more 'capable' hardware.
Meanwhile, all these Wii U ports are attractive to everybody who didn't own a Wii U
(which is a lot of people). I wouldn't be surprised if most people buying these games were unaware that games like Mario Kart 8 or Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze were even games from an older system. For non Wii U owners, the Switch has a very attractive Nintendo library thanks to the failure of the Wii U and how quickly these titles got ported.
There's a lot of people who also wouldn't touch previous Nintendo home consoles because of the lacking third party support leading to a fairly anorexic 'worthwhile' library. Seeing as publishers are actually supporting the Switch, that isn't as much of an issue this time around. It's not getting EVERY latest release and I suspect it never will
(especially when "next gen" comes), but I imagine a lot of people would opt for a technically inferior version of a new release like Mortal Kombat 11 if it meant they can play it on the move.
I think if I skipped the Wii U like pretty much everybody else did, I would like the Switch a lot more...But on the other hand, Xenoblade Chronicles X still hasn't gotten and there's no news of it getting a port, so, glad I did.
The Switch, while fun, feels like it was hastily conceived and rushed out without ironing out all the fine details.
I won't count issues I've not had, but:
- the joycon drift has happened to me. In 28 years, these flimsy pieces of crap are the first controllers I've EVER had to replace...And unsurprisingly given Nintendo's history with stock, the colours I wanted weren't in stock so I ended up with ones I kinda don't like
- The crappy battery life is a consistent issue. So many times I've took it out of the bag to find it on basically unplayable battery life, not helped by the fact that they've made it awkward to actually turn off the system and basically forcing 'sleep mode' on me. Even when it's at full charge, it's not long until me and my friends are rationing who gets to use the charger since it drains so quickly.
- The lack of such a basic necessity like a friggin' web browser. As much as I prefer playing on a TV, my game time has basically been demoted solely to outside in my car whilst I wait for things. Given it's a portable system with some games that heavily focus on online, why doesn't it have a browser? Even the 3DS had a browser. A game like Splatoon 2, as much as I would like to, I just don't play anymore since if I'm out and need an internet connection, many places require you to 'sign in' even when they're free...Something a lack of browser ultimately prevents.
- Remember all the stories about how they tested older handhelds to make sure they were basically nuke proof? Throwing them downstairs multiple times or drowning them to make sure they would survive a childs stupidity? If I dropped my Game Boy or 3DS I would be more worried I damaged the floor than the console. Meanwhile, it feels like the Switch could break at any moment. I've never been so protective over a console and not because I love it, but because I'm paranoid the flimsy feeling thing could break at any moment.
- The interface is just horrible. It's not like having home screen interfaces are new, it's been literally decades at this point. The Wii U and 3DS interfaces were actually quite good IMO. Why is the Switch's so lacking?
- That kick stand. Just no. I'll never use that thing. Who looked at that and thought "yea, that'll be safe"?
I know consoles are in production years before the successor, but it feels like the Switch was put into mass production before they had finished designing the consumer model.