Nintown News

Rover AC

~ The Unknown Cat
Aug 13, 2011
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)

Ok so this blog is really aimed at my connecting buddies. So In my town I've made a new area called "DA EPIK BATTLE ARENA!" (Yes, I know Epic is spelled wrong). Its a area just based for battles. So Basically there are only two games you can play there at the moment, but I am working on it.

The first arena on the left side is for SUMO matches. Those who have no clue of what they are here's a link what jvgsjeff does:

^So bring costumes

The arena on the right is for PKMN battles. 4 or 2 players work at best for this game. Those of you who don't know how to play this, here's a link:

^You will need Pokemon related costumes for this one (You don't have to bring Pokemon costumes, youcan wear normal costumes but it was a suggestion)

So bring your battle spirit to Nintown! But remember to have fun!
There is no Path leading to "DA EPIK BATTLE ARENA" so If you've never seen it then follow me and I'll lead you there.

P.S. On the PKMN arena there is to area's with a Gible pattern on them. When one person it attacking you, you must stand on the your side of the Gible area. The when you are attacking you can move of the Gible area but still staying inside the PKMN arena. I know it sounds complicated but I'll tell you guys when you get there. When playing either the SUMO battle game or the PKMN battle game, you can make up your own nickname like on the jvgsjeff Video.
E.g. Mr Peanut or Pikachu

PKMN Battle is better with 4 players...

P.P.S. If anyone wants to connect with me just PM me. My signature has my fc on it.
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