Nippon (Japan for u westerners)


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Lmao person who made this is a weeb xd.

(not a weeb tho cause i have -chan the name akira was taken b4 dont judge)

but yee japan is cool, its more than pocky (its gud) and anime
It's just kind of there. I don't have a particular opinion on it.
I like the culture, and the country is just so breathtaking beautiful, especially in spring! I appreciate all the things they have given us like Nintendo and anime, but I'm not like, obsessed with it. I watch anime from time to time so I have picked up a few basic phrases but I don't run around screaming "OMG KAWAII DESU BAKA!" You know the type of people I'm talking about! Honestly more people should look into the rich culture of Japan, it's is so interesting, along with the folklore! If that ain't your thing, at least look up some of the amazing sights, you may be surprised! (Of course no country is without flaws, and Japan is no exception. However, that isn't what this thread is about so I'll save that for another subject ^_^)
I like the culture, and the country is just so breathtaking beautiful, especially in spring! I appreciate all the things they have given us like Nintendo and anime, but I'm not like, obsessed with it. I watch anime from time to time so I have picked up a few basic phrases but I don't run around screaming "OMG KAWAII DESU BAKA!" You know the type of people I'm talking about! Honestly more people should look into the rich culture of Japan, it's is so interesting, along with the folklore! If that ain't your thing, at least look up some of the amazing sights, you may be surprised! (Of course no country is without flaws, and Japan is no exception. However, that isn't what this thread is about so I'll save that for another subject ^_^)

Lol "omg kawaii desu baka"
I couldn't help but be reminded of this video

I do appreciate Japanese culture. It's interesting, but I don't know too much about it. It'd be pretty cool to visit someday tho
How much do you appreciate Japanese culture??? I like various animes, pokemon, anime goods, and pocky uwu

how bored are you, dog

Besides we all know pocky is disgusting anyways.

is this a "it's not that great" or a "this taste like cherry-flavored cough syrup" kinda thing?
It's cool. I don't know a ton about Japanese culture but I find it interesting. I collect dolls that are pretty popular in Japan so I've slowly learned a little more about Japan kudos to the internet.

My dad had a few small books about various parts of Japan because my grandma, his dad, went there during WWII. So I definitely think it's an interesting place. I just haven't read/researched it much. Someday I will!
I ended up over there for 2 1/2 months in '14 without really knowing much about the culture, only its history. It was definitely a unique experience and I was glad that anime/manga didn't taint my expectations of it (as I don't watch/read it) but the people really got my nerves after awhile. They seemed more like robots at times and I got on far better with other foreigners. The food's amazing, the scenery is fantastic, and it's unbelievably clean but I've felt as if I had my fair share of it all and don't really care to go back.