Looking For (NL) Looking for Static or Tangy


So-Called Egg
Apr 20, 2020
100% (4) +
I can pay a lot for any of these characters and will open a plot asap if one isn't already open at the time. I can also trade Shari or Bunnie.
Update: My current budget in bells is 11 million bells and I don't mind ordering furniture/clothes that may be requested either.
Hi: I happen to have some free time, so if you are still looking for any of your dream villagers, let me know?
(also I don't need any Bells or payment) PST here. Thanks! ^^
Tysm! Unfortunately still waiting on my friend to pick up Elvis :")
I'll let you know when they finally do!
(No longer looking for Rolf, switching him with Bianca who I'm about to get soon)
Tysm! Unfortunately still waiting on my friend to pick up Elvis :")
I'll let you know when they finally do!
(No longer looking for Rolf, switching him with Bianca who I'm about to get soon)

You are v welcome! Keep me posted. Thanks! ^^
By the way, my FC: 5215-4801-7613 (Cocoro of Mori) Feel free to add.
Annnnd Kid Cat is ready! Gate opened - please come on over? ^_^
(sent a reply in PM too) Thanks!
Still looking for Static and Tangy. Willing to pay plenty. (I respond faster on discord, @Pingopopit#8008)