No One's Going To Read This, Right? Right.


Senior Member
Jun 11, 2013
I never was any good at these. No one is going to read it anyway, right? Right.

Yo, I'm Yuru. I'm "too old" and probably even "too unemployed" to do pretty much everything that I do, but I do it anyway because why not. I've been on the scene since City Folk came out, so actually not that long. I picked up New Leaf on release day thanks to a stroke of luck where one GameStop in the next city over had a copy. I got the last release day copy of Ni No Kuni from that same store. Ha ha.

I'm a nerd first and everything else second. Between all my gaming I manage to squeeze in way too much anime. While I'm not new to the world of AC, I am still fairly new to the whole wi-fi visiting of other people's towns thing. I'm hoping to have my town ready to roll for a big Halloween bash since Halloween is my favorite holiday. As always, it's way more fun to share your joy with people who "get it", so I'm seeking out people I can play with and maybe learn a thing or two from. As a mainly solo player of the AC series, I feel like there's a lot of great opportunities I miss out on or don't really know about because I never really thought of it.

4 years later I never thought I would be addicted to this game. I remember the first time I played it, I told my husband it was terrible and that I hated it and couldn't wait to return it. And then the next day I was compelled to play it again. Now I'm here.
Welcome to the forums!

I'm probably older than you (though I play more games than my son does, haha) and I watch anime every chance I get. What are you watching this current season? I'd recommend Shingeki no Kyojin and Suisei no Gargantia. Good stories, great production values. :D
Same here, I'm 30 and I still play lots of games.
From Dark Souls and Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate to Animal Crossing!

Welcome and enjoy the game and community!
Thank you so much for the warm welcome everyone!

Welcome to the forums!

I'm probably older than you (though I play more games than my son does, haha) and I watch anime every chance I get. What are you watching this current season? I'd recommend Shingeki no Kyojin and Suisei no Gargantia. Good stories, great production values. :D

Hubbs and I are watching SNK, to be sure. Love that anime. I am also watching Karneval. I will definitely check out Suisei no Gargantia.

On top of keeping up on seasonal anime, which is a new feat for me, I am also trying to get through Steins;Gate and I am waiting ever-so-impatiently for season two of K, which won't be airing until late this year.
Welcome! I'd love to play New Leaf with you some time:p
I have the JP game but I am awaiting the UK release before I visit peoples towns, just a bit tired of not understanding the Japanese, ahah
Welcome! I'd love to play New Leaf with you some time:p
I have the JP game but I am awaiting the UK release before I visit peoples towns, just a bit tired of not understanding the Japanese, ahah

Oh man, I can imagine it must be confusing! I am trying to learn Japanese. Ha ha. It's hard! I even took the language for 3 years in high school, but that was a while back, so some of it is lost to me. I'm hoping to live in Japan within the next 2-3 years. ^_^

I am totally down with playing together once you get your UK copy. :)
Welcome to the forums. :)
Animal Crossing seems to have a magnetic effect on people, as in some are either attracted strongly to it or repelled by it. At least, from the people I've talked to about it.
Glad you joined, and hopefully you have a great time here!
Which shouldn't be a problem as most of the members here are some of the kindest people you'll meet on a forum.
Ahhh you're not that old, you're only 6 years older than me ^.^ welcome to the forums! Hehe! I hope you enjoy it here!
LOL! Wow, only 6 years! ;) Well, my body may be old, but I'm honestly nothing more than a really big kid.

Everyone here does seem quite nice. I wonder if they take out their frustrations on their town residents like I do.
Ah the joys of freedom of speech! I wonder what colourful language I can force the villagers I hate to tell people