No Sanrio bags added?


Arize from Azulon
Nov 23, 2016
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Dino Plush
Bee Plush
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
I'm actually surprised they didn't add bag accessories for the Sanrio update.. what a wasted opportunity. How adorable would a Hello Kitty backpack be? Or a cute little twinkly star cloud sidebag for Twin Stars? I'm honestly a little disappointed lol.

(Don't mind me, just a thought I had hehe)
ooh i agree this would have be so cute! i also think nintendo really missed out on making a four-leaf clover pochette- i think that would have also been adorable and super well received. i honestly would welcome any type of pochette (imagine, like, an egg pochette for easter) bc i'm a sucker for the little in-game bags
Those accessories and items you listed are all new to New Horizon. From what I can tell, they only made the items available from the Sanrio WA. It's not like they simply ported these over from NL, because they had to make new models for the game's better graphics, so that is a missed opportunity. I never thought about that.
Those accessories and items you listed are all new to New Horizon. From what I can tell, they only made the items available from the Sanrio WA. It's not like they simply ported these over from NL, because they had to make new models for the game's better graphics, so that is a missed opportunity. I never thought about that.
Not to mention they added some new items like that Kiki and Lala rug which I don't believe was in New Leaf.. so why not add a little bit more? Bags would have been a perfect addition! Pocket Camp got bags! Lol
Not to mention they added some new items like that Kiki and Lala rug which I don't believe was in New Leaf.. so why not add a little bit more? Bags would have been a perfect addition! Pocket Camp got bags! Lol
It would never be something I would want to buy and or accessorize with, but it doesn't make sense why they would sleep on bags/backpacks or at the very least wands when they seem to want to make a wand for every furniture series out there now.
I wish they had! Maybe in the future they will do an event or release more items from them. Kind of a wasted opportunity! I wish there were more bags in the game in general, but Sanrio bags would be amazing!
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i honestly didn’t even notice that there weren’t any sanrio bags but now that you mention it, this would’ve been so cute! 🥺 i can imagine a froggy bag for kerokerokeroppi, a pink/blue pastel star bag for little star twins (different from the star pochette), etc. ;v;