Nook.....feels somthing lacks...


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2008
12 mintues ago, I had the most unusual surprise at Nookingtons. Nook said this ".......Before you leave I have something to tell you Daniel. You see, this store has been out and about for quite a while and you truly are a loyal customer. Is there anyting I can do to make the store even better?" The choices were: Variety, Balance, it comes... Better Hours!!!!! :D. I chose better hours and he said "Thank you! Your opinion matters greatly!"
You should have said variety that would have kept your store as Nookington's. Better hours make it back into Nook N Go. Balance gets Nookway. Now he will close for a day and bam your back in the dark ages.
And better hours most be awesome!!! I'm starting to play my Animal Crossing For The GC i havent in awhile!! Time for a new game lol.
Stop bumping/necroposting, This is like the second time. I know you are new and all, But don't bump up old topics. (I sound like a backmod...)