Buying !Nook miles variants with TBT!

Hello! Looking to buy some bells ASAP. I have no idea if a conversion rate still exists, but I’m willing to pay 100 TBT for 10 million bells. Would like to pick-up and I suck at typing on the switch so I’ll only be emoting 😭
I can help you out ☺️ will PM you a code~
Reusing this thread. Looking to buy a million bells ASAP, paying in TBT!

Would like to pick-up and I suck at typing on the switch so I’ll be emoting only 😭
Reusing this thread. Looking to buy 3 million bells ASAP, paying in TBT!

Would like to pick-up and I suck at typing on the switch so I’ll be emoting only 😭
Reusing this thread. Buying various DIYs with TBT!
  • Signpost
  • Angled Signpost
  • Plain Wooden Shop Sign
  • Jail Bars
  • Stacked Magazines
  • Tiny Library
Would like to pick-up and I suck at typing on the switch so I’ll be emoting only 😭
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Booo I didn’t get the alert that someone posted :( I’d be willing to buy both if you still have them :)
No worries! I was afk for a while anyway. I'll get these together and will let you know when they're ready! Do you want pick up or delivery?