I've noticed that as well. Compared to other games, the pricing is ridiculous. I believe they are using this tactic to encourage crafting instead of buying. I found crafting fun for a hot second, but now I am totally over it and just want to buy things from the shops, like in the old games.
Yeah, it’s like that for everyone. The claw foot tub was in my store today, and it was the same price. They also had a whirlpool bath that was like 99,000 bells or something close to that. It seems like they have changed it to where items have a “realistic” price, which is kind of weird to me but whatever.
I wish I would have noticed this before I accidentally bought an antique wardrobe for almost 40,000 bells.
Also this makes me wonder what the Gracie furniture is going to cost, if it ever comes back to this game...
Could this have been implemented as a bell sink post the duplication glitch? Or maybe it is a progressive system based on the player characters liquidity! Either way, I am certainly a fan. We desperately need such a system
In place to balance the in-game market.
I have not encountered such item prices. Then again, I have never duplicated items nor am I swimming in bells ��.
Could this have been implemented as a bell sink post the duplication glitch? Or maybe it is a progressive system based on the player characters liquidity! Either way, I am certainly a fan. We desperately need such a system
In place to balance the in-game market.
I have not encountered such item prices. Then again, I have never duplicated items nor am I swimming in bells ��.
This was actually before they patched the duplication glitch. Or at least I already started seeing this prices before the 1.1.1 ver.
Doubtful. If it that's the reason they did it, then that wasn't a smart move on their part. You see, I imagine that the vast majority of people who play this game have absolutely no knowledge of the duplication glitch or even trade online. You have to realize that the online Animal Crossing community only constitutes for a tiny percentage of the total players. So if anything, this just does nothing but make things too expensive for 95% of the players.