normal type for my island

which normal type should i pick?

  • move in lolly

  • move in aurora

  • move in marina

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gulliver stan.
May 29, 2018
i'm back at it again with another decision regarding villagers i can't make on my own. so, currently, i have lily as my island's normal type personality, and she's been here for quuuuite awhile now. i like her ofc, but i've been highly considering moving in lolly, marina or aurora in her place. i've had both lolly and marina before - however i had marina on my first island (windfall) before i restarted, so she's never been on cherrypine. i'm also considering aurora because 1) she's a penguin, and that's my favorite animal ever, and 2) facial wise she kinda resembles a stuffed penguin that i've had and loved since i was two and a half years old.

personally i think i'm mainly stuck between lolly and aurora. who do you think i should pick? i asked my grandmother as well and she voted for aurora because she thinks aurora is the cutest
regardless of who i think i'll try to keep lily around until i can get her photo like i plan to do with pashmina, but move her out eventually.
im biased bc i just let lolly move out and i miss her so i voted for her!
OKAY SO it's weird bc i only moved lolly in because i couldn't find a villager i was looking for at the time and thought "ok she's cute she'll do for now" plus i didn't want a random villager moving in. but after moving lolly out i started to miss her.... like there's something about her that must stick with you i guess 🤨
It honestly sounds like you're pretty taken with Aurora so I voted for her ~ Having someone new in is always a good thing and she is vvv cute 😊💕
(Of these three Marina is my favourite because I find her perpetually anxious face and singing vvv endearing ahaha 🐙)
@ReeBear tbh i'm actually VERY stuck between aurora and lolly! 🥺 i like them both, and i do miss having lolly around as i've had a little history with her, and then on the other hand i've never had aurora before, at least in nh. (maybe in new leaf a long time ago though??)

thing is if i don't pick aurora, i do still have the stuffed penguin irl haha

I had both Aurora and Lolly in New Leaf but I kept Lolly and I have her again in NH.
i think lolly looks absolutely adorable; i just can't get over her smile. plus i'm a huge sucker for kitty cats 🖤 i'm a little biased too, because i'm a huge joker fan, and i love heath ledger. so naturally, his performance as the joker has stuck out quite well with me, and that 'slaughter is the best medicine' quote has always been a favourite. and since her saying is 'laughter is the best medicine' it kind of correlates for me.

plus just look at her house 😍
I recently added Lolly to my island, where I also have Raymond. They were doing yoga together in the plaza and it was the cutest thing ever to see two adorable gray animated cats doing yoga. So, I'm team Lolly now. However, Aurora is cute. I don't like octopus villagers much so Marina can't compete with either of the others for me.
i’m honestly a bit biased as lolly is one of my absolute favourites but my vote goes to aurora; she’s so, so precious and the fact that she resembles a stuffed animal of yours is wonderful! you can’t go wrong with any of them, though - they’re all great. ☺️
I voted for Lolly, but am biased because I own a grey tabby cat. It sounds like you are leaning towards Aurora so you should go with your heart!
I voted for Aurora, mainly because you seem to be quite taken with her, plus you've had lolly before and it's always good to see a variety of characters! you can always change later on if you end up not liking her