Northern Lights


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2008
Has anyone else experienced AC:CF's version of the Northern Lights? I just have my game playing with my character staring up at the sky because it's so beautiful! I love AC. This game is so inventive. Every last game comes out with new little experiences.

So yeah. The Northern Lights. They're the bomb. :D
It truly is a sight indeed.

I was anticipating them since I saw them in the preview. I was like ":O zomg i must see"
Real life would be better... but I am an optimist and I'd rather see a video games version than no version at all. :D
muppetman said:
I've seen them in game but i would love to see them in real life!
Their onew in the game are very nice. Sometimes when Nook's is closed i just stare at them with my friends and neighbors. It is a nice addition. :)