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Not sure what to do [sort of a reset thread/rant]


Lonely Heart
Nov 15, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Holiday Candy Cane 2021
Black Famous Mushroom
New Horizons Token
New Leaf Token
Blue Candy
Green Candy
Poptart Easter Egg
I have three towns, one of which is on pause so I can focus on the other two more.

However, I'm getting really bothered by my second town, Basil. Not only do I hate the name of the town, I'm frustrated by the town itself. I have a long list of issues.

I decided one day to make an all cat town, and I think that was my biggest mistake. I've had 1 villager who was an original (and not a cat) that will NOT move. At all. She never pings me for a single thing. Catchphrase, errands, nothing. I talk to her when I can, but she also seems to always be hiding in stores or in the museum and I can never find her. She's essentially become impossible to move out despite the fact that she's not even a 10th villager. This is holding me back from making any real progress on the town, as I've been waiting for a very, very long time to get my 10th villager, plot reset them, and finally start developing my town and making it look nice with pwps. But she will. not. move.

Which goes along with pwp issues. My villagers never, ever ping me for pwps. Since I started that town almost a year ago, I've gotten two requests. Two. 2. Neither of which were even good pwps - a stupid yeild sign and that tv screen thing. Nothing I do gets my villagers to request. Diving trick doesn't work. Being off screen doesn't work. Having pockets full of flowers and few bells doesn't work. Nothing. Any time I get a ping, it's either a move request (Merry pings to move every other day) or to change a catchphrase. It's never a pwp. How am I ever going to make progress in making my town look nice if I don't have any pwps to work with? It's like being permanently stuck at the start of the game.

Speaking of Merry, I goofed/got lazy when plot resetting, and the houses in the row in front of her have a huge gap between them, so Merry's house is further back than it should be...and it's exactly ONE square too short of fitting another house in front of it, so there is a huge empty space. I tried to fill it up and make it look intentional with a fountain, but it's driving me nuts. I really adore Merry and she's my second favorite villager in that town and I don't want to move her out but I don't know what else to do. I don't want to move the other villagers in front of her out either because I spent so long resetting for them as well.

However...there are a few reasons WHY I'm reluctant to reset my town:

- I LOVE my map. Even though there are a few bad rock placements, I love the map, reset for it for hours, and it's pretty much ideal.

- I've completed almost my entire fossil collection in the museum, a year's worth of progress

- I've passed 2 gracies fashion checks, making me close to getting the final store upgrade

- My house is fully upgraded and max sized

- I adore my villagers and all their cute kitty faces (aside from the fact they never request a thing)

- I've also spent at least 30 hours plot resetting all my cats into good spaces. I made two goof ups (the thing with Merry above, and Lolly's house is one square back but doesn't look too bad) but otherwise I really, really like where the houses are.

I just don't know what to do. I feel the good and bad things are so balanced that I'm ripping my hair out. I don't want to lose all my progress and I really don't want to start over but I'm feeling like my options are limited and I'm starting to wonder, honestly, if the game itself is messed up and that's why the one villager will never move and why I get no pwps ever, after almost a whole year.

I'm ripping my hair out here. Any opinions, guys?
I feel a lot if not all of the things you have complained about can be fixed/you can do something about them.

As for the villager you don't want, make sure you're ALWAYS on talking terms with them (this basically means talking to them once or twice every day to be sure). Then, you can try the diving trick or, if you're ok with it, try and TT them out. I'd be very, VERY careful if you're going to TT though; do your research.

Next, the PWP issue. Make sure you have a range of different personality types, as the PWPs you get depends on the personality of the villager giving them to you. Then, again, make sure you're always on talking terms with them (see above). Then, you'll have to persevere with the diving trick. Couple that with TTing (if that's a thing you're happy with doing) and you could potentially get tons of PWPs.

Finally, the problem with Merry. There are only two options here, really. One: moving her out and replacing her or - and this would be a pain - getting someone to hold her while you do the 16-villager cycle. Or, the easier option (although still required a decent level of effort), two: try revamping the layout of your town. Yes, this isn't an easy job, but if you were to perhaps change paths and PWPs around a bit you could fill that space.

That's all I can think of. Hope this helps!!
I feel a lot if not all of the things you have complained about can be fixed/you can do something about them.

As for the villager you don't want, make sure you're ALWAYS on talking terms with them (this basically means talking to them once or twice every day to be sure). Then, you can try the diving trick or, if you're ok with it, try and TT them out. I'd be very, VERY careful if you're going to TT though; do your research.

Next, the PWP issue. Make sure you have a range of different personality types, as the PWPs you get depends on the personality of the villager giving them to you. Then, again, make sure you're always on talking terms with them (see above). Then, you'll have to persevere with the diving trick. Couple that with TTing (if that's a thing you're happy with doing) and you could potentially get tons of PWPs.

Finally, the problem with Merry. There are only two options here, really. One: moving her out and replacing her or - and this would be a pain - getting someone to hold her while you do the 16-villager cycle. Or, the easier option (although still required a decent level of effort), two: try revamping the layout of your town. Yes, this isn't an easy job, but if you were to perhaps change paths and PWPs around a bit you could fill that space.

That's all I can think of. Hope this helps!!

I try to talk to that villager every day, but she's often hiding and sometimes impossible/really tedious to find. There have been days where I search every corner of town and still can't find her. I don't know what the issue is but it's frustrating. I've never had a villager stay so well hidden before. If I can avoid time traveling I'd like to, though I know I'd probably save a lot of time and frustration.

For personality types...I know they'll affect what pwps I get, but I'm still not getting any. I think I have a fairly diverse amount of personalities though.
Bob - Lazy
Katt - Uchi
Lolly - Normal
Merry - Peppy
Punchy - Lazy
Purrl - Snooty
Rosie - Peppy
Rudy - Jock
Tangy - Peppy
Annalisa - Normal (she's the one I can't get to move)

There is a bit of an abundance of Peppys (and of course I like all three of them and want to keep them), so I'm not sure if having 3 of them is an issue or not. I know that eventually I'd run out of pwp suggestions (as each personality only has so many), but I'm not getting any at all from anyone. I just don't know what else to do other than switch them out, which I'd rather not do if I don't have to. I can see how having a few of the same type would limit how many pwps you get but I'm not getting any, from anyone. It's so frustrating.

With Merry, her house and the ones in front of her are lined up vertically alongside the river, so I can't really work around her house. Other than hoping I get a nicer looking pwp than the fountain to put in front of her house, I'm really limited to what I can work with. When I plot reset my villagers I should have realized that while making rows would look nice, it's not quite as functional. I also regret that I got so lazy with the houses in front of hers.

I have a DA for this town, I'm not sure when I last updated it so Rosie or Purrl may not be on it (though I think they are), but you could at least see the issue I'm having with the spacing around Merry's house.
5400 - 6100 - 3743

Of course you don't have to visit, it's up to you. Thank you for your advice, it's stuff that I certainly will take into consideration!
I have a DA for this town, I'm not sure when I last updated it so Rosie or Purrl may not be on it (though I think they are), but you could at least see the issue I'm having with the spacing around Merry's house.
5400 - 6100 - 3743

Of course you don't have to visit, it's up to you. Thank you for your advice, it's stuff that I certainly will take into consideration!

You're very welcome! I'd love to visit, but I've just reset and don't have my Dream Suite yet :p
Honestly, I would say reset. And I don't say that often.

Animal Crossing isn't meant to be hard, it's not meant to be a chore, you're not meant to get frustrated by it (unless someone takes out your perfect orchard). This has been bothering you for a while so I think reset. All the things you mentioned you love you can get back.
Honestly, I would say reset. And I don't say that often.

Animal Crossing isn't meant to be hard, it's not meant to be a chore, you're not meant to get frustrated by it (unless someone takes out your perfect orchard). This has been bothering you for a while so I think reset. All the things you mentioned you love you can get back.

Or maybe take a break from it for a while and come back? Running several towns at once has been exhausting in itself and I haven't been able to play any other games except for NL because of it. I spent so many hours plot resetting and a lot of bells/TBT to get the villagers I wanted that it seems like such a waste with all the effort I put in. So close to the final store upgrade and everything...
For your hard to find villager,find out what time they wake up(it goes by personality type) and stake out their house a couple of minutes before their wake up time.When their wake up time arrives,the vast majority of the time smoke will come from their chimney signaling that they're inside and available to talk or they'll just come outside.
For your hard to find villager,find out what time they wake up(it goes by personality type) and stake out their house a couple of minutes before their wake up time.When their wake up time arrives,the vast majority of the time smoke will come from their chimney signaling that they're inside and available to talk or they'll just come outside.

That's an idea. I'll look it up and then figure out what time that'll be (my in game clock is several hours behind my real time) and be a super stalker haha.