Cycling \(^o^)/ Gabriella's Giveaway! - MASS CYCLING - Come and Chat!

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Jun 26, 2013
Holiday Candy Cane 2016
Tasty Cake
The Bell Tree Fair 2016 Patch
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
Dark Easter Egg
Candy Easter Egg
Waluigi Easter Egg
100% (94) +
\(^o^)/ Gabriella's Giveaway! - Offline, but chat might go on


-Before you read, please note this:

-If you were brought here by a *villager name*?, then that means they're a camper and I can move them in by request.
-If you were brought here by *villager name* IS MOVING OUT, then that means they're currently in boxes. The most active user wins the villager.
-If you were brought here by *villager name* IS AVAILABLE, then that means they are being given away (free) by another user here. Please note that this person can choose to do what they want to determine who gets the villager.
-If you were brought here by *villager name*?!, that means someone might be raffling or giving them away.

Hello! I'm ZanessaGaily a.k.a. Gabriella and I'm here to give you your dream villagers. I got another New Leaf game today. Now, I won't be doing this forever, but for now, this is what I'll be doing. Eventually, I'll be moving my current villagers to this new town, my dream layout, and the end of that. My other town will be used for other things.

So what are the rules?

Read thoroughly and carefully so there is no confusing. Do not just skip the rules because it's a wall of text.

1. No reservations. This isn't a first-come, first-serve thing either. Now, I know it's a little upsetting, but I'm not going to go through the trouble to get you a villager when you don't even have the room when they're leaving. It's not first-come, first-serve because I've seen it where people stay up all night and some random person comes and takes their desired villager. That's not fair! So how do you get your desired villager?
-Be active! Until I have 9 villagers, this will be used as a chat room. While we chat, I'd like to know who you guys want. We can share funny pictures (not just ACNL) and tell jokes. Once I have 9 villagers, then it gets serious.
and once that villager comes along, let's look at what can and will happen?
Person A, an active person here: Oh man, I can't wait for Hamphrey!
Me: Hamphrey is now available.
Person B, a guest who just made an account, replies first. Person C, a sore loser, comes and says, "NO ME!", and Person D, someone who isn't as active, comes in and claims him too. Person A comes back. It's up to me, it's my thread, so I will pick person A because they're active. Then it's up to person A to see if they want Hamphrey for themselves or not. If they say give it to someone else, I give it to person D because they were more active and they're more kind. Understand? Good.

Also, just a heads up, I don't PM you when a certain villager comes into the campsite either. I won't do it because it's wayyy too stressful and I just do not want to deal with that. Sorry!

2. If you want a villager who is really popular, you cannot get them like how you can get others. Here's how:
-You'll be entering a raffle where I randomize the names of everyone who wants them. This way, everyone has a fair shot.

-list will expand if the demand goes up-

3. THIS IS A GIVEAWAY, NOT AN AUCTION HOUSE. If I have Skye moving and Person A wants her but Person C tries to bribe me, it will go to Person A for 2 reasons:
-They're more active.
-This is a giveaway. I'm not looking for Bells or rare items.

4. Follow TBT rules and keep the language PG-13. Also, no fighting or hate. Any of that and you will go on my private blacklist. I will not let anyone cyberbully anyone here. Not allowed or appreciated. If I see any of that, this is immediately shut down, locked, and you will be reported. Got it?

5. Do not trade or sell any villagers I give you. If you win a raffle and I catch you selling them or trading them, I will confront you, I'll give you a bad rating, and you'll go on my blacklist. I'll also make sure that you don't get another villager from this sub-forum for free again. Get that?

I hold villagers for 30 minutes. If they're not claimed by then, they go to the void. Please have space when you try to claim them!
My town name is Twilight and the mayor is Gabby. Any questions, ask me.
I am a little new, but I've seen others' failures and successes and I think I know what I am doing.


Current Villagers:
♂Kid Cat


Muffy by LaurinaMN
Tia by Sourpuss
Chrissy by dipperpines
Cherry by Zoe!
Bruce by Zerard
Stinky by (friend of) aevion
Rocket by (friend of) aevion
Melba by Melody
Merry by Bobville
Poncho by wacoma
Pashmina by in-a-pickle
Julian by Andrew

If you'd like to giveaway your villager, you may do so here. I can change the title so people know you're giving away *insert name here*, but only giveaways since this is supposed to be 100% free.
Use this:
"I'd like to giveaway (villager name here). I will hold them for *insert time here*."
Please let me know if you want it titled or not. Also, if you void them, tell me that too.
If you'd like to work with me, you can send me a PM.​

Thanks for reading. Let's chat! :3
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After 30 days of a thread existing, you can no longer change the title.. Which doesn't exactly help cyclers, hehe

Well that would clear up everything then. lol
Well atleast now I can be here from the start! Heehee :D
Why are all these cycling threads appearing? My wifi hates me?! Meh I don't have list of dreamies really anyway! I'll just go cry in the corner hehe
;-; Like 90% of the dreamies I want are on the ''NO, YOU CANNOT HAVE THEM THEY SHALL BE RAFFLED'' list. Probably Goldie is the only one not on there, and Kid Cat.
No homework tonight


Yeah I jsust joined yesterday.
Though I only got the game 2 days before that. rofl

Still. Im impressed AC:NL has such a cute community :O
Wait nvm -.- I'm blind as a bat. And, Lephixia, WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY. -dumps a bucket of Rosies on you-
Probably will start cycling tonight?
Kid Cat moved in right near my path. Omg it was so close
but dang it Simon.. mess up 1 tatami plank.. -/-
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