
Dang it, I made two mistakes. >_>

Ah well, nobody's perfect.

Edit - I like the last variation the best, it showcases lots of awesome stuff. ALSO, the part where it sounds like I'm playing a drum is the crossing of the 5th and 6th string.
Kitty! ^-^

yeah, it sounds great, thats something i cant do... because i dont have arms, but yeah.
Wow, compared to how I played this piece at the concert, this is utter crap.

I'll be sure to upload my concert performance, in video form.

:eek: well, since I'm on the bad computer now, I can't listen to it, but when I get on the good computer, I'll be happy to. I bet it was you playing your guitar :p.
Meh, why not bump this....

Speaking of that video thing, I still have yet to get it from that guy. Damn my lack of time. ;_;

I'll also be recording some more stuff later on. Flamenco stuff, maybe a Bulerias.
