"In my opinion, people should get what they deserve! People who insult others should be insulted! Litterers should have rubbish thrown at them! Murderers should be murdered! Poachers should be... Poached? Oh, but sexual offenders should just go die, it'd be icky to do what's been done to them back at them..."
Height: 141 cm
Species: Mirror youkai
Theme: Terrible reflections, unexpected outcomes
Likes: Truthful people, peace, justice, enforcing the former two, fitting punishments, her glass cannon, sweet desserts, Kasa
Dislikes: Rule-breakers, law-breakers, liars, vanity, Karma Houdinis, yucky bitter food
Brief overview: Is best described as the sort of person who would, upon seeing someone litter, run up and throw it at them, stick out their tongue, and run away, but not before stopping to properly bin it. Now replace the former scenario with an act of poaching, and she'd shoot and skin the offender and sell their organs on the black market. One has to be harsh and give fitting punishments, as head-of-discipline in the school, after all. She reflects the emotional state of those around her (ie: when around someone who?s experiencing strong emotions, she?ll get just as worked up, whether angrily or happily depends on other factors). Wishes to be taller (181cm). Has a not-so-small crush on Kasa.
Backstory (kinda): Someone's pocket-sized makeup mirror gaining sentience, she's sick and tired of people who can't just be themselves, be truthful, and hide behind layers of makeup or lies or delusions. After all, pocket mirrors last long and she?s sick of watching her owners kill themselves slowly with toxic makeup (in olden times), overly tight clothing (ditto), unneeded diets (more modern), botched implants (ditto) and in general, winning Darwin Awards through sheer vanity (throughout the ages). Or just being dumber than a pile of bricks. But if we?re talking youkai, we?ve got to talk about her last owner; who was a BIG fan of everything ?Japanese?. And by ?Japanese? I mean Kawaii desuuuuu~*~*~ Sugoi-chan-nei Watashi ara hajime baka-desu ^_^ Uguuuuuu genki mas-da! Along with ?Traditional Japanese Culture?, aka Kung-Fu Samurai Warriors High School AU. Now, I think we get the point, and it?s getting painful to type this so I?ll stop. At any rate, it was this firm belief in ?Traditional Japanese Culture? which caused the American-made gold pocket mirror to become a Tsukumogami through the power of placebo. How wonderful.
Having come to life, she left, sick and tired of that ****, and ended up in the Pitch-Black World, in a literal youkai high school WITH DEMONS. Oh, the irony. Well, she now rules the school with an iron fist, so all?s well that ends well. (Or is the fist glass? Gold? The silver coating behind mirrors? Meh, who cares)
- Her clothing is based off the mangas, animes and games her last owner played. It could have been so much worse, and she?s glad it didn?t.
- Her glass cannon is a product of way too much action anime. Don?t sweat the details. It shoots glass balls which shatter on impact and send glass shards everywhere, the mirror in the back provides infinite ammo. Again, please don?t sweat the details. It broke my mind and understanding of all science too.
- She?s given up trying to get her class (or schoolmates for that matter) to just WEAR THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORMS DURING SCHOOL HOURS FOR GOD(/Satanick)?S SAKE.
- A bunch of glass shards to the face is, unfortunately for her, not as big of a deterrent to demons as she hoped.
- She can?t actually bring out the big guns on most school-based offenses, and has to settle for ?fitting? punishments (cleaning up litter for two weeks, forcing classmates to stay behind after school and finish overdue homework, etc). Then again, Hanten guts Met, Kurotsuno isn?t afraid to knife her friends for being annoying, and Sullivian and Gyakuten attack each other regularly, with knives, giant nails and chainsaws. Who knows how chaotic school life can get? Its only a matter of time before she starts a trigger-happy-havoc.
- She doesn?t really have many friends due to her extra-disciplinary personality and thus doesn?t really do much outside of school, outside of tutoring Kasa, studying, reading, doing groceries, doing target practice, etc. Daily activities are all she really does.
- She doesn?t like Para much; he seems just like the main character of trashy romance-harem animes, and since they cause way too much havoc and ****storms in schools, they must be nipped at the bud to prevent such things which are not welcome in a school environment. Conversely, she likes Kasa because being around an empty-headed, airy-fairy person allows her to feel more relaxed.
- She?s set up her own little surveillance system of mirrors throughout the school to catch misdemeanours and hanky-panky.
Footnote: No regrets with the ?Japanese? which would make weeaboos stab their eyes out. Nope, none at all