Oh look a sad animal crossing comic

3/10 Feels not reached.
This is quite sad, but kinda creepy.

Also, my mom sends me crappy gifts.
she gets letters from her mom but her mom died? That's what I make out of it
Oh, when read it I understood something totally different! I thought that in real life the player's mom had passed away, and she was receiving those letters from heaven? But it's the other way around. ^^' It's also very sad :c But I'm glad the drawer of the comic had her own explanation, it would be so sad if mine was true. D:
That's really interesting, actually ...
yeah, it is. there seems to be a lot of fanart regarding that theory around, now... ah, i think it's cool, but i don't follow the theory myself.

Oh, when read it I understood something totally different! I thought that in real life the player's mom had passed away, and she was receiving those letters from heaven? But it's the other way around. ^^' It's also very sad :c But I'm glad the drawer of the comic had her own explanation, it would be so sad if mine was true. D:

ah, same here. that's all i thought when i first saw it on tumblr, and it was worse when i read it--i'm glad, too, now...
This is kind of sad, however, It didn't make me cry! /imsteeltype

The art is great, by the way. o:
...I felt it, but it did take a second go through to understand. I really wish you could write back your parents or visit a parent character or something in AC.
I think it should have been longer; the length of the comic didn't portray the message properly. And I don't really like the story anyway.
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I took me a few re-reads to get it! (didn't look atht e explanation until after I got it though).
It's a very lovely thoery and it sort of makes sense, actually.
Also the artwork is beautiful. I love seeing creative content like that, makes me wish I had artistic talent hahaha.
That's sad. Though, because of the headstone saying "daughter and sister" I took it to mean the mother had two daughters she sent letters to. And when one passed she continued sending her letters.
The actual story is more sad.
Oh, wow. I didn't expect that. I think that was very well-executed, it was subtle and shocking. Very bittersweet. Thank you for sharing this.
I got it on the first read, and at first I was laughed and then I thought about it and it made me sad. Oops.
Do people still not understand the theory? The link was deleted :)
The player is dead but they're in a fantasy world. Their mom leaves letters and gifts on the grave, as it is her way of coping with the player's death. It explains why the father almost never writes to you ;( Thats what I got from it xD