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Ohana means Family: A story about the villagers of Ohana

Oct 1, 2013
Sautéed Mushrooms
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
My Melody Easter Egg
I've, surprisingly, never seen a story displayed here. I love writing and reading and would like to post a story I have written. It is unfinished, and I will post chapters in separate posts throughout the thread, so please check up c: I hope you enjoy it. I am not the best so bare with c:

Summary: A story about the villagers of Ohana and how they all settled in.


Fauna; The beautiful, the intelligent, the harmonious, the odd one, the main character
O'hare; The player, the friend
Lolly; The best friend of Fauna
Mira: The Superhero
Diana; Sister of Fauna, the posh one
Shep; The folk musician
Shari; The exotic one.
Merengue; Ohana's baker, chef, and the one to go to for a sweet treat
Molly; The bookworm and best friend of Merengue, Lolly, and Fauna
Bill; The gym duck, Molly's secret admirer...

Chapter I

Fauna's PoV

Just as the radiant rays of the sun beam through the gap in the curtains, I awaken to chirping birds and clear skies.
It was a normal day in my hometown. I woke up just knowing that it was time to visit the forest area.

As I crept downstairs, the fumes of fresh toast and jam filled the air as Mother deer prepared breakfast.

"Good Morning, Mother!" I greeted, wrapping my scarf around my neck as the November chills ran up my spine.

"Now, just where are you going, Fauna?" Mother wondered in her soft voice.

"I was just thinking that Fiona could do with some apple sauce."

There was an old apple tree at the start of the forest, but the apples were fresh and juicy. Fiona was my younger sister, who had no teeth for chewing the apple, but the large mouth for eating the apple sauce.

"Well, I have some rather important news for you." Mother announced, handing me a formal slip of paper.

It was an advertisement for a dainty looking town. The villagers seemed so joyful, and the paper had a newspaper attachment:

'Mayor Avalon takes office in Ohana, promising to turn the town upside down', the title read.

"It's about time you went somewhere new."

A worried expression spread across my face, and poor little Fiona's too. She was quite bright for such a young deer, and seemed to know exactly what was happening.

I did trek into the forest one last time. Images flashed through my mind; I couldn't imagine life without my family and friends, but I couldn't judge. I wasn't even there yet.

"Wait, you're leaving?" Cried both Molly and Zell, my dearest childhood friends.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. "I'm afraid so."

I hugged both of them one last time, regretting saying goodbye.

"You are the best friends anyone could ever have." I told them.

They promised to write to me, and I promised to write to them.

I picked some juicy apples from the ancient tree for my train journey, and as a kind gift to my new fellows.

"Promise you'll write to me, Mother?" I asked.

"But of course!" She smiled, tears rolling down both our cheeks.

With my suitcase in one hand, apples in the other, I courageously stepped on the train, waving goodbye to my family, friends, and my childhood.
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That was amaaaazing! I'm also surprised there are like, no stories in the Mueseum! Bravo, bravo!
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Aww ty! I'm really mixing with town themes. I have a Hawaiian fairytale woodland theme that I'm trying to create.
I love Lilo and Stitch and personally love Hawaii itself so yeah c:
Once I collect my stuff from my old town (got someone to hold stuff) I'll be wearing my hibiscus hairpin, aloha tee, and grass skirt everywhere xD

Chapter II:

"Attention, we are soon arriving in Ohana, Ohana station." Said a squeaky voice that came from the train driver.
"Well, it was nice meeting you, Rover." I said.

I stepped off of the train to find a mob of residents standing there.

"Three, two, one... WELCOME!" They exclaimed, clearly excited to see me.

"Why, hello." I greeted with a smile.

A human figure, the one who appeared on the newspaper I saw, directed me towards my house.

My furnishings were in boxes inside.

"Welcome to Ohana, I'm mayor Avalon, and I wish you good luck with your unpacking. If you need, one of our residents will help you out."

"Do you know who and where Diana may be?" I wondered. Diana is my older sister. Of course Mother sent me here.

"Lucky for you, she is just behind here and to the left, right in front of the town hall. If you need a map or have any questions, please don't hesistate to ask me or my secretary, Isabelle."

Mayor Avalon seemed nice enough- very welcoming. She seemed more of a friend than a leader.

Diana told me that Avalon was forever working on making the town better, which is why this place is so full of unfinished paths and trees.

'If I were you, I'd stick to the grass' Diana once told me.

I had decided to move in an area with lots of neighbours. To my right was a blue house, and in front of me was another home.
Across the bridge were two other homes and nearer the station were two other homes.

I stepped outside after struggling to arrange my belongings, as I was told to ask for help if I was stuck.
I decided to go to my closest neighbour- the one on the right. His or her light was on, so they must have been in.
I knocked on the door nervously. I wasn't good at meeting new people.

"Hello there!" greeted a small blue cat with grey stripes. This neighbour was a she. "I'm Lolly" She announced.
Lolly the kitten. Her home was well furnished and co-ordinated. She seemed to enjoy cooking as she had a large kitchen.

"Hello, I'm Fauna, I just moved in today. I'm struggling to unpack, so I was searching for help." I muttered.

"Of course I'll help. Nice to meet you." She replied, rather happily.
I love that you post a new chapter each time! It's so thrilling :p P.S. Lolly & Fauna are SO adorable! They're besties in my town as well :3
I love Fauna and Lolly loads ^u^

Chapter III:

Lolly's Pov

As a little kitten, my Mama used to help me learn. I learnt to talk quickly and spoke very well, according to Mama and Papa anyway.
As I was born, I was the second child in my family. My older sister, Katie, was always happy to have a younger sibling. She moved away to a new town at a young age, and is always writing to us about the towns she has visited. She's a proper traveller! She isn't much older than I am, and she's a child at heart.
One day, my Mother got ill. I was still a young kitty, but no longer the youngest. Mother had recently given birth to two twin kitties. They didn't look alike, which is why they're special twins. Their names are Stinky and Merry.
I always had a special connection with Merry.
Mother hadn't been well after giving birth to the twins, so all responsibility was left to me.
I loved picking fruits outside, especially the apples. Where I'm from, apples were native, and perfect. I peel them with my claws. Everyone used to make me peel their apples and make apple pie.
I was famous for my apple pies, and one day, I made lots and lots.
Mother said "Lolly, it's time for you to do something... grown up. Do you think you're ready?"
I told her "Mama, I'm ready for anything."
"I think it's time for you to move to a new town." She suggested.
"But what about you?" I wondered, crying.
"I have Stinky and Merry still, as well as Papa kitten. I'll be fine. Just be sure to visit." She said.

I soon found myself in Ohana, where apples grew and villagers grew with the town.
Avalon, this is amazing! I love it! (∩˃o˂∩)♥
Please keep going ^.^ I'd love to
Heh. Molly sounds a lot like how I am irl xD
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Aww ty c:

Chapter IV:

Merengue's PoV

As I grew older, my baking skills developed.
"I made you a Merengue!" I'd say to my friends. "They're my namesake, and they're delicious!"
They'd always say "Oh, you're so sweet. Both of you!"
I was always using the family kitchen. I'd often fall asleep, my head resting on the table, as I had been cooking for hours on end.
When I wasn't in the kitchen, I was at the bakery, buying delicacies and ingredients for my own creations. Miss Reese was always commenting on my food. She loved my deserts, and I was always making her try them out. I could tell she loved them; she always wanted more.
"You could make a huge career out of this." she once said. I started thinking about her words, and took them on board.
My hometown was my happiness: I don't think I'd be comfortable cooking anywhere else. But if I didn't get new opinions, and new people with new tastes, I'd be a bland baker, not a brilliant one...
It was very tough to decide, but I came to a decision. My family and friends were very supportive.
But soon I was on my way to Ohana, where cooking was popular, so I would have some good competition.
I decided to take some sweet treats on the train with me, in case someone nice accompanied me on the train, or someone visited me while I was unpacking.
Everything seemed rushed, but it was time to start a new career, and a new life...