Okay, so I tried a different tut...

Bacon Boy

Zelda Informer Podcaster
Sep 9, 2008
Dusty Scroll
October Birthstone (Opal)
Pear (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Yellow Candy
Red Candy
Red Candy
And this was the outcome:



P.S. I learned some new things. So this was only a test sig.
#karma said:
Much better than the other one. :>

Work on flow and depth.

Thanks. I tried my best, but by the time I had everything out, I had clashed the background and the renders.
Ew, the multiply burns my eyes :X . Never use 2 focals in a signature, I know you might prefer it, but it takes the point out of a "focal" point. You don't know which render to look at, the chaos or the shadow one. The flow doesn't match well or even support the chaos render, and this sig will look way more better without chaos raping 1/4 of the sig. The effects are too simple, would it not hurt to try some C4Ds out or grunge brushes (I know you have Photoshop CS2, but really CS4 is the best for sig making).
Thank gawd.

No more of that other sig with those bewbs. :D

Pretty nice, it does kinda burn a little 7.7/10

<small><small>even though you probably don't care about my opinion</small></small>
Nikoking said:
Ew, the multiply burns my eyes :X . Never use 2 focals in a signature, I know you might prefer it, but it takes the point out of a "focal" point. You don't know which render to look at, the chaos or the shadow one. The flow doesn't match well or even support the chaos render, and this sig will look way more better without chaos raping 1/4 of the sig. The effects are too simple, would it not hurt to try some C4Ds out or grunge brushes (I know you have Photoshop CS2, but really CS4 is the best for sig making).
Well, (hopefully) my dad is upgrading his CS2 to CS4 and I'll use the disc to upgrade mine.

I honestly think this is my best on yet. (I was going for a 3D effect with Chaos in the front and Shadow in the back. Though, adding a shadow to Chaos might have been better.)
The best I've seen from you. The only improvement that you could make (on all your sigs) is the background looks really meh... You need to try different stuff for the background.