Ol Red's tricks


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2013
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Today Crazy red ws here. I wnt in and spotted a pictures of Flowers. I bought it and then went to do my mayor stuff. And attened a cerimony. I made my first project. But what do you know. I go back into the office and find my agent asleep. I was going to fire her but she asked about the dream suite. So I decided to make it. The next day I get my icture. I hand it ovr to Blthers to find out......

ITS REAL. I go to visit it and find that Blathers wanted a second floor. And I decided the dream suite was more important. so that was it.:):confused:
I'm jealous that you've uncovered the Dream Suite. I'm still waiting to catch Isabelle napping.

Congrats on getting a painting from Redd. Last time he was in my town, he only had fakes.
It needs to be seven days. And you need to have one project done. Nobody realy mentions that bit.
I hope you get it. :)