Giveaway Olive the Normal Cub

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Pekoe's Eternal Servant
Jan 21, 2015
Black Hybrid Rose
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
Jingle Christmas Doll
Pear (Fruit)
100% (36) +
I had originally brought Olive into my town as a temp when forcing another villager into boxes for a friend, but I never intended for her to stay.
That said, her house is in the way of where I'd like to plant some bushes and the like, so I've decided it's time to have her move out. :)

She's in boxes now and seeing as she's a WA villager that can only be obtained via card/ adopting her from someone that had the card, I thought I'd be nice and offer her up to anyone who wants her.

She is semi-unoriginal, having swapped a couple pieces of her furniture, though her house is largely intact.
Additionally, she still has her classic outfit and catchphrase.

She's only available for today and will be voided if no one claims her. Sorry, but I don't TT so I won't be keeping her in boxes indefinitely.

If you want her, add THIS FC: 4355-9786-7371

Mayor Roger of Kuro is the town you'll be looking for.

Town Rules:
-No running, stay on paths when possible
-No stealing items, fruit, etc.
-No using axes/ shovels
-Don't talk to my villagers other than Olive.
-I will walk you to her house.
-If you can't follow the rules, I reserve the right to terminate the connection.

If you read and agree to the rules, comment 'sweet pea' somewhere in your reply. ;)
Sure, let me add you :)

- - - Post Merge - - -

And Olive has a new home! :D
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